Thursday, September 3, 2020
Without Efficient States, Productive Activity, and a High Level of Glo Literature review
Without Efficient States, Productive Activity, and a High Level of Globalization Would Be Impossible - Literature audit Example Subsequently, the activity of a coal digger in Britain may rely upon occasions in South Africa or Poland as much as on neighborhood the board or national government choices. Despite the fact that the thought doesn't simply allude to worldwide interconnectedness. Globalization 'is best comprehended as communicating basic parts of time-space removing. Globalization concerns the convergence of essence and nonappearance, the interweaving of get-togethers, and social relations a good ways off with nearby contextualities' (Giddens 1991:21). David Harvey (1989:240), as well, alludes to the way that globalization depicts our changing experience of reality or 'time-space pressure'. As indicated by Jessop, marvels solidly inside an ontologically more extensive setting of industrialist financial and sociopolitical rebuilding, so as to find out precisely how they mediate in power battles over this rebuilding. This would be so as to explain whether these intercessions are unforeseen or can be credited to target necessities. In this unique situation, it looks bad to propose 'the market' and 'the state' proverbially against each other, since the two truly assume each other (Jessop 1997:50-52). Subsequently and without a doubt following Jessop, (Magnus Ryner; 2002: 101) recommend that we offer the conversation starter of globalization regarding the way in which:(a) financial requests become substantially replicated (or not) through the arrangement of a system of amassing and method of regulation;(b) Potential and tendential social clashes are 'oversaw' (or not)- that is, the means by which they are interceded, controlled, and killed through socially installed position structures; (c) This request is (or isn't) 'standardized' and balanced out through the verbalization of the terms of authenticity which induces the social request with a stable 'consensual' 'mass base';(d) Questions (a), (b) and (c) interrelate to shape (or not) a Gramscian noteworthy coalition or sets of collaborating memorable alliances. The exhilarating exchange boundaries, progression of capital markets, just as quick specialized turn of events, especially in the fields of data innovation, transport, and broadcast communications, have vastly improved and hurry the group of individuals, data, assets, and assets. Similarly, they have also extended the assortment of issues which spread out the limits of country States requiring worldwide middle setting and order and, thus, meeting and formal conversations on a worldwide or region scale. various of the tribulations troubling the present reality, for example, destitution, environmental contamination, budgetary emergencies, sorted out wrongdoing and dread crusade - are always transnational in nature, and can't be an agreement with just at the national level, nor by State to State negotiations.Immense monetary, just as social relationship, appears to impact national dynamic procedures in two basic manners. It requires an exchange of choices to the overall level and, becau se of an expansion in the specify for interest it also needs various choices to be migrated to kept degrees of government.Thereby, globalization requires multifaceted dynamic procedures, which happens at different levels, unequivocally sub-national, national, and worldwide, making ready to a new multi-layered structure of intensity.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Major thoughts or conclusions on role of intelligence in threat Essay
Significant considerations or ends on job of insight in danger managemenM - Essay Example It is exceptionally pitiful that the greater part of the victories never get to the prevailing press rather than the disappointments. The organizations work as reverted units that help the legislature in discretion just as during wartime. The help was best seen during the surreptitious disposal of Osama Bin Laden the killed Al Qaeda boss by unique powers. In country security and safeguard, the knowledge shields the general public from security dangers and interruptions that would prompt imperiling of the regular individual, just as the legislature. In its different structures, the insight works both deliberately and strategically to guarantee that precise data is introduced to the correct specialists as and when required. The procedures associated with the data gathering stages from entrusting, assortment, preparing and dispersing the data is of basic importance to the nation in battling terrorism1. In completing knowledge obligations, strong help from the police and other government offices is huge in forestalling future assaults. Observing of the fear based oppressor exercises as one with the police will guarantee that dangers are countered before they occurred and that most systems are destroyed forthwith. Such harmony requires all arms of the administration to give the insight organizations and authorities a definitive help workable for present and future security contraption of the United States and the world. Convincingly, the knowledge is a vital factor in the legislature that is frequently misconstrued once dangers happen however with the necessary help, the pretended by the women and noble men in this aspect survive from top generally critical to the US government and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Separate Peace: Finny - How Things Change Essay example -- essays re
A Separate Peace: Finny - How Things Change In the novel "A Separate Peace," by John Knowles, a kid named Gene visits his secondary school 15 years in the wake of graduating so as to locate an internal harmony. While going to the private young men school during the subsequent World War, Gene's closest companion Phineas passed on and Gene realizes he was halfway mindful. Phineas, or then again Finny as he was in some cases called, was the most famous kid in school. He was an attractive, provoking, adrenaline junkie competitor. Quality, then again, was a desolate, independent scholarly. By one way or another the two turned out to be old buddies, or so Finny thought. Quality, lamentably, was chomped by the green-peered toward beast of desire. Quality just couldn't deal with the possibility that an individual of Finny's height would need to be his companion. Quality's jealousy developed to a point where he was willing to seriously harm Finny for being excessively great. Sadly for Finny, Gene succeeded. Finny's appearing flawlessness, his solid convictions, and his capacity to pardon follow his improvement all through the novel. Finny's appearing flawlessness was the reason for Gene's hatred towards him. Quality idea that everything Finny did was great, which simply furious Gene even more. Finny was impeccable to such an extent that he couldn't have cared less what others thought, like when Finny wore a pink shirt as a symbol after the besieging of focal Europe. " '...Pink! It makes you appear as though a pixie!' 'Does it?' He utilized this distracted tone when he was considering something more fascinating than what you had said." One time Finny and Gene were at the pool when Finny seen that a kid named A. Hopkins Parker had the record for the 100 yards free style. When Finny understood that A. Hopkins Parker had graduated before they came, he commented, "I have an inclination I can swim quicker than A. Hopkins Parker." He was correct. Quality was overjoyed that Finny could do something like this with no preparing or anything. All Gene could state was, "You're too acceptable to even think about being true." In certain ways he was. Throughout the book Gene realizes that Finny has some solid convictions. The initial three he saw were: "Never state you are five feet nine when you are extremely five feet eight and a half"; "Always state a few petitions around evening time since it might turn out that there is a god"; an... ...y?" "I trust you. It's alright in light of the fact that I comprehend and I trust you. You've just indicated me and I accept you." Finny excused Gene and everything was well, in any event for a brief period. Finny's advancement can be seen all through the novel by following his appearing flawlessness, his solid convictions, and his capacity to pardon. Finny changed from being the best competitor in the school to being the one in particular who couldn't go to the war. Finny was an awesome individual. Finny was an exceptionally firm adherent to what he thought was correct. Finny was an exceptionally sympathetic individual, putting stock in the pardoning of companions. Shockingly, Finny passed on due to the carelessness of the school specialist. At the point when Finny's leg was being set some bone marrow got away into his circulatory system halting his heart. At the point when Gene heard this news he didn't cry. Quality felt that, alongside Phineas, he himself had passed on, what's more, you don't cry at your own burial service. Quality returned to his school to come to holds with the way that he was mostly liable for Finny's passing. Finny was not great; D's on his tests and awful evaluations show that. Yet, to Gene, Finny was great and consistently would be.
About the United States Constitution Essay
Paper 1 The Constitution of the United States made the type of government known as federalism. The national and state governments each have explicit powers and capacities, while additionally sharing a portion of similar forces. The Constitution settled on the understanding that any laws went under the constitution would be the incomparable rule that everyone must follow. Three separate branches were made; the authoritative, official, and legal. **********The new Constitution settled the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation to the degree that it made another arrangement of government that was furnished with the important forces expected to actualize changes through trade offs, the death of laws, and the collecting of assessments. During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates met in Philadelphia to talk about the troublesome issues the new country confronted. The Framers concluded that so as to encourage change inside the country, the Articles of Confederation should have be en supplanted with another arrangement for government that would give the central government more capacity to actualize the progressions essential for the movement of the country. The subsequent stage was to devise an arrangement for the legislature that would be acknowledged by the individuals of the country. A progression of bargains, known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Great Compromise, were made. The Virginia Plan, made by James Madison, incorporated an official branch, courts, and a bicameral lawmaking body where portrayal in each place of Congress would be founded on each state’s populace. This arrangement lured delegates from intensely populated states, for example, New York; in any case, the little states dreaded a legislature oppressed by the huge states would give them no state. The New Jersey Plan, concocted by delegates from the littler states, remembered a unicameral governing body for which states would have equivalent portrayal. Inside this arrangement, Congress had the ability to set charges and manage exchange, which were powers it didn't have under the Articles of Confederation. The New Jersey Plan was not acknowledged in lig ht of the fact that ******larger states figured they ought to have more force. Following six thorough weeks, *the delegates went to a trade off later known as the Great Compromise. The trade off recommended that Congress have two houses, a Senate and a House of Representatives, where the Senate conceded equivalent portrayal and the House allowed portrayal dependent on populace. In the Articles of Confederation, there was just *one vote per state. To pass laws, nine out of the thirteen states must be inâ favor of it and to make alterations; every one of the thirteen provinces must be agreeable to the thought. The Great Compromise incorporated that 66% of the Senate and the House needed to concur on a law or a revision for it to be passed which was a lot simpler. The trade off satisfied the two gatherings, however they were not totally fulfilled. The Great Compromise legitimately managed the shortcomings inside the Articles of Confederation and thus it picked up ubiquity. The Three-Fifths Compromise happened after the Great Compromise which addressed a portion of the rest of the inquiries, for example, who could cast a ballot. The trade off expressed that each five subjugated people meant three free people hence, three-fifths of the slave populace in each state would be utilized in deciding portrayal in Congress. Americans were not all for the Constitution from the outset, they were known as Anti-Federalists. They imagined tha t the archive would remove their freedoms that Americans had contended energetically to win from Great Britain. Their primary contention was the new Constitution would make a solid, government and overlook the states and it did not have a bill of rights to ensure singular opportunities. The individuals who were supporters of the report called themselves Federalists. They accepted the Constitution would make an arrangement of federalism, a type of government wherein power is isolated between the national government and the states. The Federalist Papers, composed by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison, was what won the Anti-Federalist’s backing of the report. In a progression of expositions, they contended that the United States wouldn’t get by without a solid government and consoled the archive would ensure their country. Both the Anti-Federalists and the Federalists arrived at the resolution that if the Constitution was received, the new government would include a bill of rights. The Constitution was totally approved in 1790 which made the thirteen autonomous states an assembled country, The United States of America. The new Constitution made a system for the administration, which was the something the Articles of Confederation needed. Three branches inside the administrative were made to ensure the government would remain stable. Each branch had explicit forces while likewise being able to check the forces of the other two branches. The authoritative branch, otherwise called Congres s, made the laws. The official branch implemented the laws and is going by a president and VP. The legal framework was made in which theâ supreme court of the U.S would have the last say with regards to the defendability of laws. So as to maintain a strategic distance from one of the branches from picking up an excessive amount of intensity, the Framers incorporated an arrangement of balanced governance. This framework permitted each part of government to restrict the intensity of the others. Along these lines, the new Constitution settled the shortcomings of the articles of confederation to the degree that it made another arrangement of government that was furnished with the important forces expected to actualize changes through trade offs, the death of laws, and the exacting of expenses. The legislature had the option to burden and secure individual opportunities. The thirteen free states became one country, The United States of America. Despite the fact that, not the entirety of the issues of the Articles of Confederation were settled, the new Constitution made an establis hment for our administration today.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Choosing a Topic and Intro For Your Information Essay
Choosing a Topic and Intro For Your Information EssayWhen it comes to writing an information essay, the first step is to decide what topic you want to explore. There are many topics that are available to you and even though they may be slightly more technical or advanced, it does not mean that your information essay will be less educational.For example, 'Occupational Therapy' is one of the most common topics among people who want to learn how to write an informative essay. The same goes for the much more technical 'Physics.' Therefore, if you wish to learn how to write an informative essay that will help you earn an A+ grade in a college, then you need to learn about these topics and know how to address them.To help you with this, first learn the basics of how to write an essay and apply them to these topics. This will give you a much better chance of actually getting through your essay because you will have a more accurate idea of how it should go. As you advance in your writing, yo u can then add more in-depth information to your essay.But, when it comes to figuring out how to write a good information essay, you must consider more than just one's information essay topics. You must be sure that you address each topic in an appropriate way. Remember, the goal is to tell your reader everything they need to know. Therefore, you need to avoid giving them the wrong impression.It is important to try to give your readers a comprehensive guide on the topic. If you give them only one aspect of the topic, they will most likely think that you were trying to skip out on some other important details. So, when you choose your topic, try to give them a comprehensive overview.Additionally, you will also need to think about how you want to do the introduction to your topic. Are you going to start by telling them how to get started? Or, are you going to tell them where to go once they begin reading? There are a lot of different ways to approach your first paragraph, so try to fi nd the best way for you.Finally, if you want to get through the rest of your essay without having a lot of problems, you need to use a strong introductory paragraph. Do not overstate anything in your first paragraph. When your readers think that they are being given too much information, they will be much more apt to stop reading and leave your essay incomplete.Your goal when writing an informative essay is to inform the reader of the most pertinent facts about the topic. Then, you will add in a few simple facts about yourself to further solidify the point you are trying to make.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Ingredients for a black hole 1. Hydrogen 2. Soda 3. Bottle
Ingredients for a black hole 1. Hydrogen 2. Soda 3. Bottle I think that I could make a black hole, Carl says. I raise an eyebrow. Really? How? He rubs his hands together and squints. A lightbulb goes off, his hands come apart, and when he beams I notice that hes missing one of his front teeth. The typical eight-year-olds look. Id just need..hydrogen. Hydrogen? Yeah, hydrogen. And soda. And a bottle to mix them in. And thenBOOOOOOOOOOOOM! He whisks his hand around in a circle, to mimic an accretion disk. * * * I met Carl two weeks ago, at a McCormick observatory public night. McCormicks 26-inch refracting telescope was the second largest telescope in the world, when it was built 128 years ago. After an illustrious career of astrometry, UVA now uses it primarily for teaching and public outreach. On the first and third Friday every month, the refractor slews to Saturn or the moon or a globular cluster or a double star system. If its clear outside, well over a hundred visitors flow into and out of the building. They cluster in the dome, waiting for their turn to climb up the wooden steps and stretch to meet the lens. I once saw a woman squint a Saturn, and without taking her eye from the lens, reach out her right hand as though to close her fingers around the planet. Adjacent to the dome, there are three little exhibit rooms, with posters of Saturn and its moons, and glass cases of meteorites. At the end of the hall, theres a room with a projector and around 60 chairs, where UVA graduate students take turns giving talks. I give talks, too. Getting this gig took a little bit of madness. Knowing that I needed to get in touch with someone named Ricky (I didnt have a last name or contact details), I wandered around the crowded observatory grounds yelling RICKY! until some guy raised his hand, then approached him and said I wanted to give talks and volunteer at the open nights. He looked a little bewildered, but said sure. A highlight of my 20 years on this planet was when the man at the grocery store salmon counter looked at me and said Hey! You gave the talk, right? About the pul, uh, plusa Pulsars? I offered. Yeah, pulsars! Close enough. I gave my pulsar talk this summer as well, and two weeks later gave a talk on radio astronomy. There are some repeat visitors who have learned my name (yay!) as well as new friends. After my radio astro talk, I talked for about 45 minutes with an equestrian, who had brought her grandson to the open night for his eighth birthday. Carl has big blue eyes, blond hair, and loves physics and astronomy; he told me all about black holes, accretion disks around quasars (something about hearing an eight-year-old say accretion disk makes me very happy) and planetary formation. He picked up a board marker and drew diagrams to describe string theory. His grandma told me that she thinks Carl will become a professor one day, because he loves to teach. What do you do with an eight-year-old who gobbles up information faster than you can provide it? I tried to brainstorm some resources; I made them a list of authors, TV shows, documentaries, and facilities to visit. Apparently, Carl really really wants to learn Algebra, but theyve been struggling to find an Algebra for Kids! book. I said that I would be happy to teach him the basics, sometime, and gave his grandma my e-mail address. Eventually, the observatory closed and it was time to leave. The next week (last week) I was in New Mexico (more on that in another post.) But Im back now, so today Carl and his grandma picked me up at 11am. We drove to an Irish Pub, where I used onion rings (does anyone actually know what an Irish Pub is?) to teach Carl about fractions and percentages (he wanted to learn about percentages because he really likes the % sign.) We played equation hangman, regular hangman (I really stumped him with telescope. Also, it totally blew his mind when he wrote down _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and I immediately guessed black hole. Carl: HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT???? He thinks Im a wizard.) We talked about the brain, about learning and elasticity, about the two hemispheres controlling the opposite sides of your body. I was suddenly glad and proud that Ive taken classes and read about lots of different areas of math and science, and not just astronomy. After we marveled that all of the elements in our body originated in the Big Bang / stellar cores / supernovae, I taught Carl to play pool (a challenge, since the pool cue was probably taller than he was.) Carl told his grandma that Im good at pool because she knows physics! Heck, yeah. Physics! REPRESENT! On that note, we sank the last ball and walked back to the car. When we pulled up to my house, Carls grandma thanked me profusely, while I turned around and thanked Carl for his company. Im not sure how to think about my day. It was refreshing and rewarding and all the things you would expect hanging out with an enthusiastic brilliant adorable little kid to be. But it also made me feel sad, because I cant hang out with every little kid whos into science; most dont get the chance to spend time with scientists. It also made me think differently about what it means to do public outreach. The purpose of public outreach is not to just emerge from our labs every couple of months to give a talk, teach some science, spread some knowledge, then retreat again. The goal is sustained engagement with a community. Also, outreach isnt necessarily something you do wearing a nametag. Whether we like it or not, we are representing the scientific community all the time. I realized during lunch that Carl thought of me as A Scientist, even though I was sitting in front of a chicken sandwich and a pile of onion rings, instead of standing in front of a podium with PowerPoint slides lighting up my face. What a privilege to be able to teach and inspire people, inside and outside the lab and the office and the obsevatory, in jeans and a t-shirt as well as more presentable attire! And what a privilege to share excitement with people like Carl. One day, I hope that some lucky kid and his grandma take Professor Carl out to lunch.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Is Freedom Mere License or Wisdom to Choose What Is Right for Oneself - Free Essay Example
Freedom is the right to make important decisions for yourself and your family without coercion or fear of retaliation. Freedom is the right to take advantage of the various opportunities out there in the world to better your life. Freedom is the right to express your opinion and fight for what you believe in, as long as you do not bring harm to anyone with an opposing point of view. â€Å"Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains†said Rousseau. This statement of his inspired the romantic poets like Shelley and Keats to glorify individual freedom. It also paved the way for French Revolution and the American War of Independence. Now the question is what actually freedom is? So to understand the true principles of freedom, one must understand the scope of the word. Freedom means capacity to exercise one’s own choice or free will and act upon it. It is nothing but the condition of being free of restraints and the right to unrestricted use or full access to many privileges which one is entitled to. Freedom is the right to make important decisions for yourself and your family without coercion or fear of retaliation. Freedom is the right to take advantage of the various opportunities out there in the world to better your life. Freedom is the right to express your opinion and fight for what you believe in, as long as you do not bring harm to anyone with an opposing point of view. The true meaning of freedom can be defined as the right given to an individual, when he has the right wisdom, to do what ever he wishes to do but with a care that he does not dominate the wishes and desires of other person. So freedom doesn’t mean that one can do anything he wants to do or have everything he wants to have. Freedom has its own limitations. A G Gardiner’s essay â€Å"On the Rule of the Road†clearly justifies this statement. A fat lady was moving in the middle of the road saying that she has the freedom to go as she likes. The bus driver said he would run his bus over her. This example shows that one’s freedom should not interfere without another freedom. Similarly, a child is free to go to lessons or play because that is his own affair. We cannot dictate him to do anything which he does not wish to do. He is at liberty to decide what to do and what not to do. But at the same time he has no right to blow a trumpet when others want to study or sleep. So freedom does not mean license for the child to interfere with others freedom. In other words, freedom is the ability to make choices, regardless of the consequences, as long as the consequences do not affect anyone around us. The dictum â€Å"Live and Let Live†contains a very sound advice. We must tolerate others, refrain from interfering with others and reconcile ourselves to the ways of living of others. One should not try to impose one’s own ideas and modes upon others. When we believe in freedom we should also believe in the freedom of others. Everyone has the right to decide how he should behave and lead his life. Every individual is different and hence we cannot expect uniformity in the modes of our lives. We should respect the way of life of our others just as we expect them to respect our own way of life. One cannot lay laws about freedom and license. License means excessive freedom or permit and free from restraint. So license is freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices especially in behavior or speech. Freedom over-extended turns into license. When it comes to freedom and license there is no Bible or Encyclopedia to consult any final authority. The boundary of giving freedom and license has to be judged by the individual parent. For instance, though we believe in giving freedom to our children still we curb their freedom at times because never to say no is to bring up a spoiled child who will be incapable of facing the realities of life. Such a kid will grow up to expect the world to provide everything he wants. Freedom and the limitations on freedom are both needed to live peacefully. Freedom is synonym of license which means restrictions. Absolute freedom cannot be achieved because when you take away limitations you take away a freedom. But at the same time, without rules governing our society, people would be able to do what they want to each other with out fear of punishment. It is the fear of punishment which restricts or checks the crime rate and so absolute freedom should not be given to anyone in the interest of the society. So freedom with some restrictions is absolutely essential as freedom coupled with some limitations promotes development of an individual who will be enriched with wisdom. And wisdom is experience, knowledge and common sense together, along with the power of applying them. It is the ability to think and act wisely. Wisdom is not taught in school and it cannot be bought. So a person who has wisdom does not jump to rash conclusions, but makes an educated decision based on the information or intelligence provided. When freedom and wisdom are clubbed together it means freedom of choosing what is right for us. On the whole, it may be said that equating freedom with license is highly absurd. Freedom stands for creativity whereas license spells doom and disaster. Freedom leads to wisdom which stands for moral values of life. In short, freedom does not mean license, but the wisdom to choose what is right for one self which makes him a better responsible citizen. Bibliography: wikipedia. org google yahoo
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Philosophy Of Sports And Physical Activity
The body is always seen as two parts working together, mind and body. We study these concepts as if they were separate, such as biology for the body and psychology for the mind. Taking two different courses, one for mind and body, cause me to develop a dualism philosophy. After taking Kinesiology 305 Historical and Philosophical base of Kinesiology, I started to understand the body shouldn’t be seen as two things, but as seeing both mind and body equally important and should be devoted the same amount of time as well. This ideal is known as Holism. Holism is taught through the following description: sound mind in a sound body, unity of mind, body and spirit, educational through the physical, and education of the physical. Holism allows use†¦show more content†¦The next description is educated through the physical. According to Jesse William, who created that phase suggest if people a whole being, teachers shouldn’t isolate any pure physical activity element, be cause if the body moves the whole body will move as well. Body action can be used as a tool to teach human’s habits and skills that will allow them to become a good citizen. People argue this is dualistic ideology because it you have to concentrate on the physical to get results in the mind. But this shows how the physical aspect can lead to an overall improvement in the mind/soul area. If a person wants to learn how to correctly greet someone, they must learn whether the culture rather accepts bowing, handshake, etc. This indicates the mind/knowledge determines their action which translates the type of person who you are. The final characteristic is education of the physical which implies that our physical nature affects our personalities, goals, and values. This is similar to the characteristic, since it implies that if a person is living a healthy physical and fun life, their mind is going to be healthy as well. Such as a student having physical education running around and playing will translate to good emotion towards the body. During the beginning of the semester, I had a dualist stance which involved treating the mind separate from the body. If the body physically hurt, I would expect the main cause of the pain be physical and notShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Movement939 Words  | 4 Pagesthem more about how Kinesiology. The concept of this major is so much more than just â€Å"sports†and exercise. From kinesiology being built on n the foundation of kinetics it gives us a chance to be able to move and use certain mechanics within the body to give us a chance to dance with our spouse, hug our loved ones and run with our kids. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Immigration Is Not A Bad Thing Essay - 1237 Words
The United States is in financial trouble and some of this debt is due to the support of illegal immigrants entering the states and taking advantage of funds not allotted for them. To address this economic decline due to illegal immigration, this country needs to enforce the immigration laws and finish the closure of the border between Mexico and the United States. The increasing number of illegal immigrants entering into the United States has multiplied tremendously and this caused a negative impact on the economy of this country. The main reason the immigrants leave their country is gaining employment to make a better life for themselves and their families. First of all, immigration is not a bad thing. Immigration is the key to this country’s beginnings. When America was discovered, people migrated from all over Europe to find a new beginning in the â€Å"promised land.†I am sure that some of your ancestors were immigrants. Once the immigrants settled, there was need to form the laws which would protect the rights of people coming to the new world. One such law written was the Naturalization Act of 1790. This law, however, â€Å" prohibited citizenship and civil rights to immigrants of disfavored ethnicity†(Stein). The fourteenth amendment was also rewritten to change the scrutiny as to who could be considered for citizenship. Today, in order to apply to become a citizen, â€Å"immigrants must be 18 years of age and be the holder of a green cared for 5 years. If anShow MoreRelatedMoving Forward: Immigration Reform Essay895 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the United States was first being formed immigration was accepted and even encouraged. In the late 1880’s through the early 1900’s over 27 million people entered the United States with only two percent being turned down. However even with these staggering numbers immigrants were still faced with hostility and poor treatment. Why has immigration always been such a c ontroversial topic? Although immigration still occurs today, it is not accepted across the board. Issues with equality, safety andRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The Us Economy929 Words  | 4 Pagesdramatically in the past few years. This made me think about Immigration and the US economy on a same page in my mind. Many questions started populating in my head such as Does immigration in some way affect the US economy? If yes, how? After doing some research, I found that Immigration plays an important role in the US economy. I’ll start with my own background, how this question is connected to me and what other people think about immigration. Next, I’ll talk about my research findings and the unexpectedRead MoreImmigration : A Good Side And A Bad Side1237 Words  | 5 Pagesmillion people enter the United States each year, with an additional 500,000 entering the country illegally or without documentation. (Topic Overview: Immigration.) Everything has two sid es to it, a good side and a bad side. In this case immigration does have its downsides but most certaintly does it have its benefits too. Immigrations isn t a bad thing. The majority of illegal immigrants are hardworking people just searching for a better life. They perform the type of menial labor that others areRead MoreCritical Analytical Argument On Immigration1586 Words  | 7 PagesTriston Norris Ericka Galluppi HUM 115- Critical Analytical Argument Immigration 3/26/16 Immigration CAA Paper Background Uncontrollable, problematic, and overly populated are words that come to mind when immigration is mentioned. For many years’ immigration has become a huge problem throughout the world, in several places. Immigration is the migration of non-native citizens into a country with the hopes of settling there (â€Å"immigration†). People of different ethnicities settling into another countryRead MoreTrump s Views On Immigration1213 Words  | 5 PagesAbdulelah Altwfail Pro. Ramey WRT150 45 Trump’s views on immigration Donald Trump’s views on immigration have been a part of who he is since the beginning. When Trump announced his presidential bid in 2015, he focused mostly on the issue of immigration. While the media can easily exaggerate speeches from presidential candidates, it is clear that Trump means what he says. Donald Trump’s presidential bid is a clear example of how he views immigration. To clarify, why don’t we start a small introductionRead MoreThemes Of Immigration Issues937 Words  | 4 Pagesand they agree that something should be done to remedy that condition.†One of the social problems that intrest me is immigration issues as I deal with this in my own life. The empirical method analzyes any issues in a structured and unbiased way. The phenomenon in this case is immigration. Should we welcome more people or should we kick them out? What issues does immigration cause and or solve? Who should be denied entrance and who should be permitted? Who makes that choice? All these factorsRead MoreAccording To An Article In Usa Today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration1258 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to an article in USA today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration population declines†Thomas Frank writes, â€Å"The number of illegal immigrants in the USA fell for the first time in at least four years, as the nations tough economy discourages people from sneaking into the USA†. Illegal immigration has been on an all time rise for the last 4 to five years, as the nations economy struggles to stay out of a depression. I believe illegal immigration ha s a great effect on how the economy is doing. It cost theRead MoreShould Immigration Really Be One Of The Biggest Concerns Today?1300 Words  | 6 PagesAna Hernandez Mrs. Pawlak English 114A November 23, 2015 Immigration Should immigration really be one of the biggest concerns today? Throughout the history of the U.S. immigration has become a huge part in today’s society in which began centuries ago. It became a hot topic in the U.S. with its primary focus being illegal immigrants. â€Å"Illegal immigration†is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. According to http://wwwRead MoreImmigration Has Shaped America,But Now ItS Becoming Harder956 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration has shaped America,but now it s becoming harder and harder to enter this country. With the growing threat that immigration is bad and that illegal immigrants are stealing American jobs, many people believe the laws need to be even more strict. With Donald Trump recently elected that may become a reality. Trump has said â€Å"I will build a great wall†and also â€Å"anyone who is in the United States Illegally is subject to deportation†(Brandner). While it is important that Illegal immigrantsRead MoreImmigration Made America. Immigration Has Shaped America,But960 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration made America Immigration has shaped America,but now it s becoming harder and harder to enter this country. With the growing threat that immigration is bad and that illegal immigrants are stealing American jobs, many people believe the laws need to be even more strict. With Donald Trump recently elected that may become a reality. Trump has said â€Å"I will build a grat a wall†and also â€Å"anyone who is in the United States Illegally is subject to deportation†(Brandner). While it is important
Monday, May 11, 2020
Why Is It Assists Me Developing Better Organizational And...
Working on a research paper is something I admire, because it involves a process that can be useful in various ways, and is applicable to a variety of situations. What I like most about research papers is the fact that it assists me in developing better organizational and planning skills. Preparing research papers are always challenging, especially for someone who lacks experience and motivation. A research paper requires time and effort, most students that I have seen tend to give up during the end of their research paper. This shows the lack of confidence they have and the inexperience to push on. Conducting a research paper also requires patience; at times you will go through a period of frustration and anxiety. The first step to go about creating a research paper is to find and choose a topic. Finding a topic that would interest and challenge you at the same time is essential. Your attitude to the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your rese arch. Before proceeding with the paper, I would recommend each student to obtain permission from a teacher for the topic they chose. Some topics might be to offensive and hurtful, therefore it is preferable to have the consent of a teacher first. Proceeding without the permission of the teacher will only bring doubt and uncertainty to your paper. The next step is one that most people find challenging, and this is to browse the internet and look for information that goes with the topic.Show MoreRelatedEmployee Training and Career Development Paper1300 Words  | 6 Pagesorder to reach the organizations needs and achieve the set goals. As times change, employees may stay behind in skills or may even lack training when it comes to new systems, technology or other procedures that the company may need in order to better performance. That is when the importance of training is more evident. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Disparity in Prisons Essay examples - 1456 Words
A Look at Racial Disparity in the United States Prison System Micah O’Daniel Institutional Corrections 2/22/11 Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system has a strong effect of many realms of society such as the family life, and employment. Education and race seem to be the most decisive factors when deciding who goes to jail and what age cohort has the greatest percentage chance of incarceration. Going to prison no longer affects just the individual who committed the crime. Instead, the family and community left behind gain a new burden by one individuals actions. The United States still has a large disparity between Whites and Blacks and now a growing Hispanic population. This racial disparity in the educational†¦show more content†¦This obvious job discrimination shows that there are significant negative effects on blacks even after their prison sentence has been served. With less opportunity than whites to enter back into the workforce after incarceration, blacks end up having a higher rate of return to prison (USDOJ, 2008). There is also a large disparity between races when it comes to sentencing convicts to Death Row. Looking just at the federal death penalty data released by the Department of Justice between 1995 and 2000, 682 defendants were charged with death-eligible crimes. Out of those 682 defendants, the defendant was black 48% of the cases, Hispanic in 29% of the cases, and white in only 20% of the cases (Coker, 2003). The United States features a prison population that is more than quadruple the highest prison population in Western Europe (Pettit, 2004). In the 1980s, U.S. legislation issued a number of new drug laws with stiffer penalties that ranged from drug possession to drug trafficking. Many of those charged with drug crimes saw longer prison sentences and less judicial leniency when facing trial. The War on Drugs has furthered the boom in prison population even though violent crime has continued to decrease steadily. Many urban areas in the U.S. have a majority black population. With crime tendencies high in these areas, dru gs are also prevalent. This means that a greater percentage of those in prison are going to be black because lawShow MoreRelatedRacial Disparities Of Mass Incarceration1572 Words  | 7 PagesRacial disparities in mass incarceration Introduction Mass Incarceration in the United States has been a large topic of choice because rapid growth in the prison and jail populations, the long sentences the inmates face, and the inability for some inmates to incorporate themselves back into society. Since the 1970’s the U.S. prison population quadrupled from 158 to 635 people per 100,000, causing the U.S. to gain the title of country with the highest incarceration rate. (Massoglia, Firebaugh, Read MoreWhy The Incarceration Rate So High For Young Black Males?1428 Words  | 6 Pageslargest justice system in the world. America also has the highest incarceration rate with over 2 million people in prison. African Americans account for approximately 40 percent of those inmates. Why is the incarceration rate so high for young black males? By examining the data and demographics, and the causes and consequences a greater understanding will be gained as to why these disparities exist. As of December 2013, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of incarcerated malesRead MoreRacial Disparity in Sentencing1728 Words  | 7 PagesRacial Disparity in Sentencing Lori Raynor University of Phoenix Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice CJA/423 Ron McGee September 06, 2010 Abstract In this paper I will illustrate racial disparity in sentencing in the criminal justice system. The causes of racial disparity and the reasons it is on the rise, the research statistics, and the proposed solutions are discussed. Racial Disparity in Sentencing The intersection of racial dynamics with the criminal justice systemRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Has Served As A Focal Point Of Much Of Societal Racism993 Words  | 4 Pagesas prosecutorial bias in jury selection (James F. Nelson, Disparities in Processing Felony Arrests in New York State). Despite these constructive changes, racial inequalities seem to have decline over time. The alternative approach is to examine the factors that enable white, or middle class, offenders to be sentenced to non-prison terms more frequently and to replicate those conditions for low income people (James F. Nelson, Disparities in Processing Felony Arrests in New York State). For exampleRead More Disparity and Discrimination Essay example836 Words  | 4 PagesDisparity and Discrimination According to Webster’s Dictionary, the proper definition for discrimination is: 1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently 2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing 3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment (Webster’s dictionary). Discrimination has been aroundRead MoreThe Sentencing Of African Americans1626 Words  | 7 Pageswhite defendants and are 20 percent more likely to be sentenced to prison.†Hispanics and African Americans make up 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population. (Henderson 2000). Slightly 15% of the inmate population is made up of 283,000 Hispanic prisoners. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, every third black male gets sent to prison at least once in his life. Males of color have a disproportionateRead MoreRacial Impact Statements : Considering The Consequences Of Racial Disproportionalities On The Criminal Justice System964 Words  | 4 Pagestitled, Racial Impact Statements: Considering the Consequences of Racial Disproportionalities in the Criminal Justice System, the article addresses how the American Criminal justice system has been suffering from the dramatic increase in mass incarceration and the uneven rates of racial disproportionalities and disparities. These disproportionate impacts with minorities within the criminal justice system are all impacted from neutral laws, policies and practices. Statements made with racial impactRead MoreBlack Americans Receive A Stricter Punishment Than White Americans Essay1446 Words  | 6 Pagesas thugs and common criminals; these negative stereotypes demoralize men of c olor and allow society to believe and internalize this destructive thinking. The racial disparities that exist in the criminal justice system are an indirect consequence of the portrayals of African American men that circulate in society. Because of racial disparities that occur in the United States it consequently threatens communities of color by â€Å"disenfranchising thousands by limiting voting rights and denying equal accessRead MoreThe Failure of the War on Drugs Essay1529 Words  | 7 Pagesthe crime rate. However, studies show that drug deterrent policies on possession and use have been inadequate and unsuccessful (Cole Gertz, 2013). Studies also show that the War on Drugs has not attained its objectives because the policy exhibits racial discrepancy as it has led to the disproportionate incarceration of Blacks and minorities. Specifically, evidence indicates that the upper class, generally White individuals, is more likely to use powered cocaine while the lower class, generally BlacksRead MoreShould We Be Mandatory Sentence Reduction?870 Words  | 4 Pagescourthouse doors to claims of racial bias at all stages of the criminal justice process from the levels of justice ranging from stops and searches to plea bargaining and sentencing. One case, in particular, stands out as drawing the line on expectations of the court to actively address racial bias in sentencing and conviction. This was in McCleskey v. Kemp and United States v. Armstrong, when the Supreme Court made ruled that it could only act or rule on matters of racial bias win the presence of â€Å"only
Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience Free Essays
INNOCENCE v EXPERIENCE 109 UWA 2012 William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience was combined in 1794. Having compiled Songs of Innocence in 1789, Blake intended that he was writing happy rhymes that all children may enjoy (Norton Anthology pg 118 footnote 1). Not all the poems reflect a happy stance, many incorporate injustice, evil and suffering. We will write a custom essay sample on Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now Blake represents these aspects of the world through the eyes of ‘innocence’. In contrary Blake’s Songs of Experience were written as ugly and terrifying versions of the same world. These poems were used to reflect a ghastly representation of the world as one of poverty, disease and war. The Songs of Innocence were penned around the end of the American Revolution and the start of the French Revolution, although Blake would have worked on them for years prior. The Songs of Experience were etched during the middle and toward the end of the revolution and reflect how the poet’s view of the world had been affected and changed by the horrific events. Blake’s work is a compilation of a number of ‘songs’. Although each can stand as an independent poem many from Songs of Innocence have a pair in Songs of Experience such as â€Å"Infant Joy†– â€Å"Infant Sorrow†, â€Å"The Lamb†– â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Ecchoing Green†– â€Å"The Earth’s Answer. †Taking â€Å"Infant Joy,†from Songs of Innocence, it is told from the perspective of a baby â€Å"but two days old. †The baby is perceived as happy and joyous through lines such as â€Å"joy is my name/Sweet joy befall thee! †and plays on the common ideology that infants are happy and loveable. Yet, its counterpart â€Å"Infant Sorrow,†from Songs of Experience, still told from the perspective of the new born, presents the harsh reality of child birth: â€Å"My mother groand! My father wept. /Into the dangerous world I leapt. †The organisation of the work in this way presents two contrasting views of the world from the same perspective. I believe that the main problem that motivates Blake appears to be the comparison between childhood innocence and what we really experience in the world. The modern idea of wearing ‘rose tinted glasses’ springs to mind, in the sense that as a child we view the world as this magnificent, beautiful nd happy place but as we grow and learn more about ourselves and the world our experiences begin to taint that ‘innocent’ view and the world becomes ugly, harsh and cruel. The primary focus of Blake’s work is to create contrast between the fanciful, innocent view of the unjust, evil and suffering world and the harsh reality that suffering, war, poverty and disease really bring. These songs would have been read to children and it can be presumed that it was Blake’s attempt to teach them something about the world in which they were living through engaging their imaginations with his use of poetry. How to cite Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, Essay examples
The Crucible Character Analysis free essay sample
The Ultimate Schemer One of the main characters of the play The Crucible, Abigail Williams, is the most spiteful and least complex character throughout the entire play. She is the villain of the play, even more than Parris or Danforth. She is on the lower end of the social hierarchy; the only people below her were slaves like Tituba. Abigail Williams possess wicked character traits that give her a negative perception. She is a jezebel figure who lacks feelings, an immoral character who lacks ethics and a manipulative person who lacks a conscience. Abigail’s counterpart is a jezebel figure. A jezebel figure is commonly associated with a woman who is regarded as evil and scheming. Abigail’s evil can be seen through her interactions with the other women of the play. For example, she threatens Betty and Mary Warren by saying, â€Å"Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and i will a pointy reckoning that will shudder you†(The Crucible, Act 1). We will write a custom essay sample on The Crucible Character Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition she is scheming because she crafts a plot that send 19 innocent people to their deaths. Her evil and scheming ways undermines the future of the other characters and is only for her selfish gain. Abigail posses an immoral persona and many of her actions are unethical. She wants one thing and one thing only, John Proctor, a married man. She participates in infidelity and constructs a web of lies. She knows that it is a sin to have sex with a married man but continues to proclaim her love for him, â€Å"I will not, i cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is you love me yet! †(The Crucible, Act 1). In connection with the infidelity she lies on Elizabeth, Proctor’s wife, and says her spirit stabbed her when in reality she stabbed herself. Similar to her lack of emotions it proves how immoral, unethical, and selfish she really is. Abigail shows a lack of remorse and a conscience because instead of confessing she continues to lie. Moreover she convinces the other girls to lie along with her. She uses her cunning speech and threats to influence the others. For example in the woods she says, â€Å"I want to open myself I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! †(The Crucible, Act 2). She said this to leave an impression on the others. The others follow her because they are intimidated by her. Abigail never shows any remorse about negatively influencing the others. Abigail’s callous nature stems partially from past trauma; she is an orphan who watched her parents get murdered by Indians. This is still no excuse for her iniquitous actions. Unethical, immoral, and manipulative are perfect adjectives to describe Abigail’s character and in the end she gains nothing. She does not have John Proctor because he is executed and 19 innocent people have died. There are other characters in the play that can be considered villains but she is by far the most evil. She is the ultimate schemer.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Lebanon Essays - Tourism In Lebanon, Roman Colonies, Lebanon
Lebanon Written by: The Prophet Edited by: The Metallian Lebanon, a nation that once proudly called itself the Switzerland of the Middle East, is today a country in name only. Its government controls little more than half of the nation's capital, Beirut. Its once-vibrant economy is a shambles. And its society is fragmented - so fragmented, some believe, that it may be impossible to re-create a unified state responsive to the needs of all its varied peoples. Lebanon lies on the eastern shore of the Mediterranea n Sea, in that part of southwestern Asia known as the Middle East. Because of its location - at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa - Lebanon has been the center of commerce and trade for thousands of years. It has also been on the route of numerous conquering armies. With an area of 4,015 square miles, Lebanon is one of the smallest countries in the Middle East. It is smaller than every state in the United States except Delaware, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Lebanon is sandwiched between Syria in the north and east and Israel in the south. The maximum distance from the nation's northern border to the southern one is only 130 miles. And the maximum distance from the Mediterranean Sea to the Lebanon-Syria border is 50 miles. In the south, along the border with Israel, Lebanon's eastern border is only 20 miles from the sea. Although a tiny land, Lebanon boasts a great diversity in its landscape which makes it one of the most picturesque countries in the world. The coast line is br oken by many bays and inlets of varying size. At some points, the mountains wade silently right into the sea - then climb suddenly tier on tier away from the Mediterranean to the sky. Because of the limitation of flat agricultural land, all but the steepest hillsides have been patiently and neatly terraced and planted with garlands of twisted grapevines. The mountains lend a great variety of hues - pale pink, rosy red, forest green or deep purple - to the landscape. Depending on the time of day, they never appear the same twice, and from time to time whipped white clouds hide all except their snow-capped peaks. Even on the darkest night, the lights of the villages perched on the mountains shine in small clusters as a reminder of their presence. On c loser view, the mountains become a jumble of giant gorges, many of them over a thousand feet deep, with rocky cliffs, steep ravines and awesome valleys. These unassailable bastions have offered a secure hideaway, throughout history, for hermits and persecuted groups seeking refuge. Lebanon has four distinct geographical regions: a narrow - but fertile - coastal plain; two roughly parallel mountain ranges that run the full length of the country - the Lebanon, which rises in the west to an alpine hei ght of 11,000 feet while the eastern range, the anti-Lebanon, is crowned magestically by the snow-capped Mount Hermon at 9,232 feet. The two chains of mountains shelter between them a well-cultivated plateau extending seventy miles in length and fifteen miles in width. This tableland is called the Bekaa. This is a fertile strip of land 110 miles long and six to ten miles wide. Zahle, the third largest city in the country, is in the valley. The country's two most important rivers, the Litani and the Orontes, rise in the northern Bekaa near Baalbek, a city that dates to Roman times. The Litani flows southwest through the Bekaa Valley and then empties into the Mediterranean Sea north of Tyre. Its waters are used for irrigation, so it becomes a mere tr ickle by the time it gets to the sea. The Orontes rises not far from the Litani, but it flows northward between the two mountain ranges, wending its way into Syria. Beyond the Bekaa and the anti-Lebanon mountains, the Syrian desert only stretches east f or about 800 miles to the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This geography has been a determining factor for millenia in keeping Lebanon turned toward the West. The landscape cannot be described without mentioning the most celebrated tree o f Lebanon, the cedar. Called by the Lebanese "Cedar of the Lord," this famed tree retains somewhat of a sacred aura this day. It has become the symbol of Lebanon and appears in the center of the flag, on the coins, and often on postage stamps. Since an cient times the cedar constituted a valuable export which provided King Solomon with timber
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Impact of Media essays
Impact of Media essays A good indicator of human advancement is their ability to communicate. Thanks to technology, each year it gets easier to convey a message to another person. With this convenience comes not just communication of basic needs but more and more advertising for everything else. Needless to say, media is everywhere. It influences people in nearly every decision they make. Some say that this isn=t true and that people decide for themselves. It may all depend on the point of view. First of all, let it be said that media is everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, television, billboards, telemarketing, and the Internet. Example: John Doe leads a fairly normal life. Each morning he reads the paper to begin the day. The newspaper is filled with ads and also opinions. Each article may seem to be from an objective point of view but some personal views may come through. John Doe may or may not choose to be affected by it. Either way, it is still there and Mr. Doe may be subconsciously influenced. There is no way to avoid it. Even in TV programs or movies there is Ahidden@ advertising. A carefully angled shot shows the hero is drinking Coke and has been planned to catch the consumer=s eye. 1993 By the start of the year, 98% of U.S. households own at least one TV set, 64% have two or more sets. Companies will use innumerous ways to coerce the customer to consume their product. Association is a major one. Matching a song with a product can influence a consumer after the commercial is long over. Every time they hear the song, they will think of that product. Even colors in decorating can be planned to produce a response. Fast food places such as Burger King use warm colors like orange and brown. Coincidently, looking at those colors tends to increase appetite. People are influenced. In 1990, the Children=s Tele ...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Heres Why Your College GPA Matters
Here's Why Your College GPA Matters In high school, you likely focused on getting good grades- and, consequently, having a high grade point average (GPA)- because you wanted to get into to college. But now that youve done that, you may be wondering, Does GPA matter in college? While this may seem like a simple question, it doesnt have a straightforward answer. In some situations, your college GPA can matter quite a bit; on the other hand, a GPA can mean nothing beyond whether or not you can graduate. Why Your GPA Matters in College There are many reasons you will want to maintain a good GPA in college. Ultimately, you will need to pass your classes in order to get your degree, which is the point of going to college in the first place. From that perspective, the answer is clear: Your GPA matters. If your GPA drops below a certain threshold, your school will send you a notice youve been placed on academic probation and tell you what steps to take in order to recover from it. Along the same lines, you may need to keep it at or above a certain level to keep your scholarships, other financial awards or loan eligibility. Additionally, things like academic honors, research opportunities, internships, and some classes have GPA requirements. Its always a good idea to ask your academic adviser about any GPA requirements you should be aware of, so you dont find out youre in trouble after its too late to fix it. Do College Grades Matter for Jobs? Your GPA may or may not play an important role in your life after college- it depends on your post-graduate plans. For example, Graduate school admissions are very competitive, and youre required to put your GPA on an application. If youre interested in furthering your education but the damage to your GPA is already done, dont fret: Good scores on the GRE, GMAT, MCAT or LSAT could make up for a sub-par GPA. (Of course, getting into grad school will be a lot easier if you focus on maintaining a good GPA from the start of college.) Even if youre not thinking about more school, you should know some employers will ask you for your GPA when you apply for a job. In fact, there are companies- generally, large companies- who require applicants to meet the basic GPA requirement. Beyond the aforementioned situations, theres a good chance your GPA may never again come up after graduation. In general, employers focus more on your level of education, not the grades that got you there, and theres no rule that says you need to put your GPA on your resume. The bottom line: Your college GPA is only as important as it is for your future plans. While you may not feel pressure to focus on maintaining a high GPA as you did in high school, theres no reason why you shouldnt work hard in your classes and succeed as best you can academically. You never know, after all, what jobs or graduate school programs you might end up applying for years after you graduate.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Research and Study Skills for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research and Study Skills for Managers - Essay Example ad finished and our department submitted the proposal, along with a demo of the software application we had suggested as a strategy for overcoming the geographic factor in the outsourcer-outsourcee relationship. It was subsequently accepted by the organisation’s leadership and, in acknowledgement for our efforts, members of the department received rewards. The financial rewards we were given had been determined by our position and hence, within my department, I received the highest bonus. The financial differentiations, although standard practice in the company aroused the anger of one of my colleague, following which he lodged a complaint stating that he had carried much of the responsibilities which had been assigned to me in the design of the stated solution, in addition to which, he often has to step in and execute my departmental responsibilities. Following receipt of the complaint, the HR manager called me in. He informed me that, upon subtle investigation, he ha discovered that the complaints were baseless. He also advised me that there were two possible approaches to the problem at this stage. The first was for the HR department to step in and officially investigate the claim, following which the outcome f the investigation will determine actions to be taken against either my colleague or myself. The second option was for me to resolve this obviously personal problem on an intra-departmental level. After considering the two options, I decided that the second one was the better of the two. In the first place, this was a problem which was rooted in personality clashes and differences. In the second place, were it not resolved on an intra-departmental level, department cohesion and unity will be jeopardised and, naturally, so will the department’s ability to work as a tram. Thinking over this particular problem, I realised that the key to the solution lay in both my academic and experiential learning. The extent to which this realisation
Monday, February 3, 2020
Analysis and Response Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis and Response - Movie Review Example But the desperate situations make him fight back. Remarkably, he wins over the enemies and destroys even one who betrayed him. Finally, in the climax he realizes that a drifter does not deserve a woman therefore; and leaving away his girl friend he walks towards the Club. Seijun Suzuki, a well known director of Japan introduced many techniques and tactics in this film, making it a significant one. The specific feature to be discussed and appreciated is the camera techniques. The film is the combination of black and white and color. Initially, the film received many compliments for the editing and different processes involved in image telecasting in unique style and in color. Color is rightly used at different occasions matching with the mood and situation. Most of the scenes are outstanding as color is appropriately applied. One such example for this technique is that the movie begins with black and white in color. And vibrant color is applied during the action sections, realizing th at vibrant images of action scenes evoke the emotion of the viewer. The particular fight scene shows the real anger and intensity of the fighter. Therefore, the story is clearly explained without any difficulty. Color is not just given priority at a violence scene but throughout the action scenes, understanding the real applicability of it. In addition, the editing of color gained many appreciations. Moreover many believed that color is the key factor for the success of the film in the box office. Of course, it deserves certain kind of worldwide recognition. Secondly, the music and sound technique play a vital in the movie. It is the well known fact that the music is an inevitable for the achievement of every film. Surprisingly, the movie Tokyo Drifter is an exemplary example for this. Techniques used behind the music and sound demand high value. Apart from this, the song sung by the actor has greater importance which was also introduced in the film. The music of Tokyo drifter is so mething unique in its presentation unlike other Japanese style of music. Every music piece is organized with the proper meaning, the situation of different feelings and melodious voice. Music is as soothing to the years and mind as one of the theme related song â€Å"Tokyo drifter song†clearly indicates it. As he sings the wordings â€Å"I’m a Drifter, the man from Tokyo’ a real feeling of circumstance is experienced. Therefore, such songs tell the story and attract the attention of everyone. Eventually, no matter one would come to a conclusion that a movie with ineffective music will have a negative impact on the overall success of the movie in the box office. The most significant filming technique of the film Tokyo Drifter is nothing but the very nature of storytelling. The style of storytelling is quite unconventional. Initially, a relevant theme is selected and organized with creative and innovative ideas. Unlike all other themes he rightly selected a soci al issue of gangs. Although the hero shows loyalty to the boss even after a defeat, the situations push him to a new world of wandering like monk leaving everything aside. Thereafter, he takes revenge on enemies, precisely not a revenge but can be rightly said a kind of survival tactics. Since the theme and activities undertaken are adventurous, the fight scenes gained its right rhythm. The most significant part of the storytelling is the unusual and unexpected ending of the film. Such kind of climax and
Sunday, January 26, 2020
A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay
A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay The response of the church to the issue of homosexuality is problematic; it is so because homosexuality now has become so evident and conspicuous. It is shocking how people are coming out in the open as being homosexual and how it is being discussed openly and even receives sympathy from some quarters in the church. The obvious fact is that it can no longer be ignored. In this paper I will discuss how the church in Africa should respond to this problem. ANALYSIS OF CONTROVERSY Homosexuality is a legal offence in most African countries, although in recent years there are attempts to legalize it in some countries, but it is legal in most American states. This is why it is a controversy to the Anglican Communion which is world wide. The definition of homosexuality according to Woods Jr (1968, p.135) the word homosexual can be used to refer to various subtle gradations of erotic attraction or involvement between members of the same sex. The moralist would dismiss moral objections on homosexuality basing on natural law, which they say natural law assumes that the structure of male and female genitals determine their function sexually. The early church also criticized same sex practices, for example Gagnon (2001,p.163) puts it very well that Jews, like Greek and Roman critics of Homosexuality, rejected it on the ground that it was against nature, that is apart from the fact that the law forbade same-sex intercourse. He says there are four reasons why only intercourse between male and female was considered to be in accordance with nature. The first he says is that there is no procreation in Homosexual intercourse and the second reason is that it is an affront to how God designed the male and female organs. The third reason is that there is no natural erotic passion in Homosexual sex says Gagnon and the last he says is that not even animals practice Homosexual intercourse. But some scholars would argue that apart from reproduction purposes, sex serves a number of functions. According to Woods Jr. (1968) the judgment that sex is only for reproduction is as limited to an agrarian, low-population economy as the judgment that pearl are valuable is to a consumer economy. The Lambeth conference resolution number 1.10 of 1998 states that in view of the teaching of scripture, that marriage should be between a man and a woman in a life long union, it recognized that there were persons who experienced themselves as having a homosexual orientation. Some of these people are church members and therefore need pastoral care, moral direction and Gods transforming power. The resolution was to listen to the experience of the homosexual persons and ensure them that God loves them. Although they called for the ministry of the pastoral care to all irrespective of sexual orientation, the resolution did not advise the legitimizing or blessing of the same sex union nor ordaining those in same gender union. Some would argue that in the Bible it is not clear what they meant by homosexuality. For example Bishop David Russell in his leaf let (page 3) wrote that the Biblical writers never ever contemplated the kind of homosexual that we are contemplating today, the Partnerships we are seeking to have affirmed in our time. I do not agree with him and others who think in these lines because the Bible is very clear on homosexuality. In Leviticus 20 :13, it is very clear that a man who has sexual relations with another man, both should be put to death because they have done repulsive thing. The other text, which condemns homosexuality in the New Testament, is Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. it is therefore very clear that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible. If the homosexual of the Bible (Leviticus 20:13) is same as the homosexual of today, then homosexuality is an ancient form of sexual perversion. Those who seem to support homosexual argue that we are all sinful, and we have God who is love, who loves infinitely. They even give the example of the woman caught in adultery (John 8) Jesus heals are and blessed her. They say this should be our approach to the whole problem in African communion. The latest response concerning homosexuality was in the article, which appeared in the Post Newspaper of July 12, 2010, where the Church of England blocked the appointment of a gay clergyman (Jeffrey John) to the post of Bishop. This issue brought the liberals and conservatives at loggerheads, and could have possibly affect Arch Bishop Rowan William stand. It is the second time John is being rejected to be consecrated Bishop, on the ground of being gay. Williams said he was not going to allow himself to be pressured into supporting anyone. According to Reuter as quoted in the post (ibid) Williams has always attempted to put a stop to the infighting over the issue of homosexuality in the Anglican Communion and last month he warned those member churches, which approves them or actively oppose them that they will be sidelined from official doctrinal committees. RESPONSE OF CHURCH IN AFRICA The church in Africa does not have one voice on homosexuality. It is divided into three camps. There are those who support homosexuality, for example South Africa. There are those who are neutral, they neither support or condemn for example Zambia, Zimbabwe, and others are those who condemn for example Nigeria and Kenya The province of the church of Central Africa that is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi stand is that those persons who practice homosexuality are not setting a good example of what scripture teach and those bishops who knowingly ordain them act contrary to the scriptures and teaching of the church. They say it is the responsibility of the church to lead those who deviate from the right teaching of scripture to repentance, and to assure them of Gods forgiveness, hope and dignity. I agree with this statement because it is not all who are in homosexual practices, who are doing because they want to, but some claim to be born homosexuals and they need to be helped. This people have to be brought out and helped, according to Jacques (1976, p.114) the danger of repression is not that it stops people practicing their secret lusts and perversions but that it prevents them from acknowledging them. So the best way for the church to deal with homosexuality is to recognize that homosexuals are there and they need to be helped. As for our country Zambia the problem is not a local one but a communion one. What I mean is that we do not have a homosexual problem as the Anglican Church in Zambia at the moment; we are involved because our church is a worldwide church and what ever affects doctrine in one area affects all. Nevertheless people in Zambia have commented on this issue, for example when Robbinson was consecrated Bishop, the Bishop of Central Diocese Bishop Kamukwamba commented on 12th December,2003 in an interview in Lusaka, the article that appeared on the website Anglican Evangelical Ministries, that the Bishops in Zambia were against the act because it is not biblical and was unchristian. He said the Anglican Church will not associate itself or support gays. He said, however ties with Anglican churches that tried to resist the ordination will be maintained. He said we should support and pray for others to resist further temptations. Another comment came from Bishop Mumbi of Luapula Diocese, just re cently, in his capacity as Zambia Anglican Council Chairman stated as quoted in The Church of England Newspaper (2010) that although the West is promoting homosexual lifestyle it is against Christian belief and African values. He says our traditional morality as Zambians have received double assault from pressure of the west and from rapid breakdown of society due to urbanization. From the above comments from the two bishops we can see that the church in Zambia does not support homosexuality, but at the same time wants to remain in communion with those who practice and support homosexuality. What they believe in is what the bible or scripture teach on marriage, for example, (Genesis 12) which states that God intended Man to be married to a Woman. So following the Genesis arrangement, those who marry from same sex are obviously sinning. Christianity also teaches us not to look down or discriminate sinners, this is shown by Jesuss example with the woman caught in adultery (John 8) he did not condemn or discriminate her and Jesus went to eat with the tax collector and sinners ( Matthew 9:9f). People should not be left in their acts of wrongdoing; they should be helped because people who live in sin will be punished. The example is (Genesis 18:20) God punished the city of Gomorrah and Sodom for the same practices like homosexuality, so people should be helped to refrain from such practices and prayed for as bishop Kamukwamba above suggested. Christianity should be a religion which should show an example of good morals, at the same time love and peace should be proclaimed to every person regardless of their sexuality. The church is the school for sinners and no one should be discriminated. CONCLUSION The issue of homosexuality has been with us for time immemorial, and it will remain with us as long as people continue to exist. But as the church we should approach it with caution, with understanding and consultation so that we may achieve our goal as people who are geared to bring about the kingdom of God. God accepts each one of us as we are, so we should accept each other as we are. So as the Anglican Church and the Arch bishop Williams are looking for the way out of this issue, which is threatening to divide the church, they should embrace and co-exist with the people with homosexual problem in order to help them.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Health & Social Care Essay
Ai Identify four key pieces of Legislation and Codes of Practice relating to handling information in social care setting. 1). Data Protection Act 1998 – Gives rights to individuals in respect of personal data held about them. It also seeks to protect individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. 2). Freedom of Information Act 2000 – The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject. Anyone can make a request for information – there are no restrictions on your age, nationality or where you live. If you ask for information about yourself, then your request will be handled under the Data Protection Act. 3). Employees Policies & Procedures – To make sure that all records that are kept in the office are put away in a locked secure cabinet. And when you write out the daily report sheet in the Care Plan Book, make sure that the Care Plan Book is closed and not left open. 4). Health and Social Care Act 2008 – requires us to publish a code that sets out the practice we will follow in obtaining, handling, using and disclosing confidential personal information. Aii Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice affect the day to day work of a social care worker in relation to handling information. It is important to follow the codes of practice in everything you do in your day to day work. For example, I personally had a situation a while ago where my regular service user was in hospital for a couple of months, and a friend of Mr T’s approached me and asked if I could give her the key safe code so she could go into to his property and clean round and get him some shopping. I told her that I could not give her Mr T’s key safe code as it is my duty of care not to give out any information that was entrusted to me. And if I gave it to her then I would be breaking the codes of practice and my employees policies and procedures.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Shocking Info Regarding Research Paper Examples Apa Unveiled
Shocking Info Regarding Research Paper Examples Apa Unveiled Moreover, the papers structure and format needs to be reviewed to stick to the mandatory standards. The simple format is exactly the same for all kinds of references. The format to be used is determined by the topic that you have chosen. There's a format for all to follow for the simplicity of understanding. Some readers will be considering research methods utilized in your work while others might read certain points mentioned in your research. So, the one thing you need to do is simply to organize information you've found and texts you have written for your research. Whether you do an easy research or a complicated one for a larger project, a research outline can help you receive the best outcomes. There are quite a lot of websites available which are devoted to publishing research papers and other similar essays. Making an APA outline is the very first point to do in developing a structure on what is going to b e written in the paper and the way it's written. APA format can help you to organize your paper well. APA is a well-liked reference style employed in many sorts of academic writing. The APA advises that you use the author-date method. It's also essential to be aware that research involves getting the info from other print or people, irrespective of their understanding of the issues, and it isn't of any interest to research whether they are conversant with the issue or not. The scholar should concentrate on topics that are related to the prevailing economic scenarios. He should choose a subject they are familiar with while avoiding sensational and controversial subjects. Research Paper preparation means handling a whole lot of information. The APA is among the most influential associations of professional psychologists on the planet, including specialists from the USA and Canada, together with associate members from some other nations. Research papers are intended to evalu ate and assess the comprehension of students in some specific topics. Utilizing proposal examples is an excellent means to learn from somebody else's experience and make an outstanding powerful proposal. Take a look at examples of such works to comprehend how to write them and what style you ought to use for formatting them. When writing references, APA style advises that you give the author's last name and after that utilize initials for the rest of the names. It recommends that your title is no more than 12 words in length. The style employs an in-text citation also. The Basic Facts of Research Paper Examples Apa Writing doesn't need to be so difficult a task when you realize what you're doing. Conducting a research isn't any doubt an elaborate affair and with all these tasks to do, it's not uncommon to drop consistency if there's no outline. Be aware that the writing is detailed. Research paper writing is quite an intriguing job for students should they perform it with total dedication and motivation. Finding the Best Research Paper Examples Apa Nobody will argue that It's quite challenging to compose an academic paper if there's no structure for it. For a good comprehension of how to compose a top quality research paper, there's a need to have a very clear comprehension of how the papers are being written. If you believe that writing of a research paper is just about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in a different document, you're mistaken. A research paper is quite a significant kind of academic writing. It is usually the first step for students to get funding for their project, so it is crucial to create a thoughtful and deep paper. It should be interesting to read from the beginning to the end. Key Pieces of Research Paper Examples Apa Professional writing teams supply a wide array of services to help ensure your work is as great as possible. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. You've got to read a good deal of articles and synthesize their content. If needed, you can supply the list of the principal keywords of your paper, it is going to help different people should they need to locate your work in internet databases but you ought to use only keywords that describe your research in a suitable way. If you have to shorten your title, pick the keyw ords. You can also see book outline. You can also see essay outline. You can also see biography outline. The text within the body can contain as much paragraph or sections as the writer requirements, but just on the status of supporting the idea by answering the questions regarding the topic. The outline should clearly depict many topics and subtopics through using headings and subheadings. Biology papers are extremely different from discursive liberal-arts essays which often have far more leeway in conditions of adjectives, hyperbole and other emotive language.
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