Sunday, January 26, 2020
A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay
A Look At Issue Of Homosexuality Religion Essay The response of the church to the issue of homosexuality is problematic; it is so because homosexuality now has become so evident and conspicuous. It is shocking how people are coming out in the open as being homosexual and how it is being discussed openly and even receives sympathy from some quarters in the church. The obvious fact is that it can no longer be ignored. In this paper I will discuss how the church in Africa should respond to this problem. ANALYSIS OF CONTROVERSY Homosexuality is a legal offence in most African countries, although in recent years there are attempts to legalize it in some countries, but it is legal in most American states. This is why it is a controversy to the Anglican Communion which is world wide. The definition of homosexuality according to Woods Jr (1968, p.135) the word homosexual can be used to refer to various subtle gradations of erotic attraction or involvement between members of the same sex. The moralist would dismiss moral objections on homosexuality basing on natural law, which they say natural law assumes that the structure of male and female genitals determine their function sexually. The early church also criticized same sex practices, for example Gagnon (2001,p.163) puts it very well that Jews, like Greek and Roman critics of Homosexuality, rejected it on the ground that it was against nature, that is apart from the fact that the law forbade same-sex intercourse. He says there are four reasons why only intercourse between male and female was considered to be in accordance with nature. The first he says is that there is no procreation in Homosexual intercourse and the second reason is that it is an affront to how God designed the male and female organs. The third reason is that there is no natural erotic passion in Homosexual sex says Gagnon and the last he says is that not even animals practice Homosexual intercourse. But some scholars would argue that apart from reproduction purposes, sex serves a number of functions. According to Woods Jr. (1968) the judgment that sex is only for reproduction is as limited to an agrarian, low-population economy as the judgment that pearl are valuable is to a consumer economy. The Lambeth conference resolution number 1.10 of 1998 states that in view of the teaching of scripture, that marriage should be between a man and a woman in a life long union, it recognized that there were persons who experienced themselves as having a homosexual orientation. Some of these people are church members and therefore need pastoral care, moral direction and Gods transforming power. The resolution was to listen to the experience of the homosexual persons and ensure them that God loves them. Although they called for the ministry of the pastoral care to all irrespective of sexual orientation, the resolution did not advise the legitimizing or blessing of the same sex union nor ordaining those in same gender union. Some would argue that in the Bible it is not clear what they meant by homosexuality. For example Bishop David Russell in his leaf let (page 3) wrote that the Biblical writers never ever contemplated the kind of homosexual that we are contemplating today, the Partnerships we are seeking to have affirmed in our time. I do not agree with him and others who think in these lines because the Bible is very clear on homosexuality. In Leviticus 20 :13, it is very clear that a man who has sexual relations with another man, both should be put to death because they have done repulsive thing. The other text, which condemns homosexuality in the New Testament, is Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. it is therefore very clear that homosexuality is condemned in the Bible. If the homosexual of the Bible (Leviticus 20:13) is same as the homosexual of today, then homosexuality is an ancient form of sexual perversion. Those who seem to support homosexual argue that we are all sinful, and we have God who is love, who loves infinitely. They even give the example of the woman caught in adultery (John 8) Jesus heals are and blessed her. They say this should be our approach to the whole problem in African communion. The latest response concerning homosexuality was in the article, which appeared in the Post Newspaper of July 12, 2010, where the Church of England blocked the appointment of a gay clergyman (Jeffrey John) to the post of Bishop. This issue brought the liberals and conservatives at loggerheads, and could have possibly affect Arch Bishop Rowan William stand. It is the second time John is being rejected to be consecrated Bishop, on the ground of being gay. Williams said he was not going to allow himself to be pressured into supporting anyone. According to Reuter as quoted in the post (ibid) Williams has always attempted to put a stop to the infighting over the issue of homosexuality in the Anglican Communion and last month he warned those member churches, which approves them or actively oppose them that they will be sidelined from official doctrinal committees. RESPONSE OF CHURCH IN AFRICA The church in Africa does not have one voice on homosexuality. It is divided into three camps. There are those who support homosexuality, for example South Africa. There are those who are neutral, they neither support or condemn for example Zambia, Zimbabwe, and others are those who condemn for example Nigeria and Kenya The province of the church of Central Africa that is Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi stand is that those persons who practice homosexuality are not setting a good example of what scripture teach and those bishops who knowingly ordain them act contrary to the scriptures and teaching of the church. They say it is the responsibility of the church to lead those who deviate from the right teaching of scripture to repentance, and to assure them of Gods forgiveness, hope and dignity. I agree with this statement because it is not all who are in homosexual practices, who are doing because they want to, but some claim to be born homosexuals and they need to be helped. This people have to be brought out and helped, according to Jacques (1976, p.114) the danger of repression is not that it stops people practicing their secret lusts and perversions but that it prevents them from acknowledging them. So the best way for the church to deal with homosexuality is to recognize that homosexuals are there and they need to be helped. As for our country Zambia the problem is not a local one but a communion one. What I mean is that we do not have a homosexual problem as the Anglican Church in Zambia at the moment; we are involved because our church is a worldwide church and what ever affects doctrine in one area affects all. Nevertheless people in Zambia have commented on this issue, for example when Robbinson was consecrated Bishop, the Bishop of Central Diocese Bishop Kamukwamba commented on 12th December,2003 in an interview in Lusaka, the article that appeared on the website Anglican Evangelical Ministries, that the Bishops in Zambia were against the act because it is not biblical and was unchristian. He said the Anglican Church will not associate itself or support gays. He said, however ties with Anglican churches that tried to resist the ordination will be maintained. He said we should support and pray for others to resist further temptations. Another comment came from Bishop Mumbi of Luapula Diocese, just re cently, in his capacity as Zambia Anglican Council Chairman stated as quoted in The Church of England Newspaper (2010) that although the West is promoting homosexual lifestyle it is against Christian belief and African values. He says our traditional morality as Zambians have received double assault from pressure of the west and from rapid breakdown of society due to urbanization. From the above comments from the two bishops we can see that the church in Zambia does not support homosexuality, but at the same time wants to remain in communion with those who practice and support homosexuality. What they believe in is what the bible or scripture teach on marriage, for example, (Genesis 12) which states that God intended Man to be married to a Woman. So following the Genesis arrangement, those who marry from same sex are obviously sinning. Christianity also teaches us not to look down or discriminate sinners, this is shown by Jesuss example with the woman caught in adultery (John 8) he did not condemn or discriminate her and Jesus went to eat with the tax collector and sinners ( Matthew 9:9f). People should not be left in their acts of wrongdoing; they should be helped because people who live in sin will be punished. The example is (Genesis 18:20) God punished the city of Gomorrah and Sodom for the same practices like homosexuality, so people should be helped to refrain from such practices and prayed for as bishop Kamukwamba above suggested. Christianity should be a religion which should show an example of good morals, at the same time love and peace should be proclaimed to every person regardless of their sexuality. The church is the school for sinners and no one should be discriminated. CONCLUSION The issue of homosexuality has been with us for time immemorial, and it will remain with us as long as people continue to exist. But as the church we should approach it with caution, with understanding and consultation so that we may achieve our goal as people who are geared to bring about the kingdom of God. God accepts each one of us as we are, so we should accept each other as we are. So as the Anglican Church and the Arch bishop Williams are looking for the way out of this issue, which is threatening to divide the church, they should embrace and co-exist with the people with homosexual problem in order to help them.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Health & Social Care Essay
Ai Identify four key pieces of Legislation and Codes of Practice relating to handling information in social care setting. 1). Data Protection Act 1998 – Gives rights to individuals in respect of personal data held about them. It also seeks to protect individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. 2). Freedom of Information Act 2000 – The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to ask any public sector organisation for all the recorded information they have on any subject. Anyone can make a request for information – there are no restrictions on your age, nationality or where you live. If you ask for information about yourself, then your request will be handled under the Data Protection Act. 3). Employees Policies & Procedures – To make sure that all records that are kept in the office are put away in a locked secure cabinet. And when you write out the daily report sheet in the Care Plan Book, make sure that the Care Plan Book is closed and not left open. 4). Health and Social Care Act 2008 – requires us to publish a code that sets out the practice we will follow in obtaining, handling, using and disclosing confidential personal information. Aii Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice affect the day to day work of a social care worker in relation to handling information. It is important to follow the codes of practice in everything you do in your day to day work. For example, I personally had a situation a while ago where my regular service user was in hospital for a couple of months, and a friend of Mr T’s approached me and asked if I could give her the key safe code so she could go into to his property and clean round and get him some shopping. I told her that I could not give her Mr T’s key safe code as it is my duty of care not to give out any information that was entrusted to me. And if I gave it to her then I would be breaking the codes of practice and my employees policies and procedures.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Shocking Info Regarding Research Paper Examples Apa Unveiled
Shocking Info Regarding Research Paper Examples Apa Unveiled Moreover, the papers structure and format needs to be reviewed to stick to the mandatory standards. The simple format is exactly the same for all kinds of references. The format to be used is determined by the topic that you have chosen. There's a format for all to follow for the simplicity of understanding. Some readers will be considering research methods utilized in your work while others might read certain points mentioned in your research. So, the one thing you need to do is simply to organize information you've found and texts you have written for your research. Whether you do an easy research or a complicated one for a larger project, a research outline can help you receive the best outcomes. There are quite a lot of websites available which are devoted to publishing research papers and other similar essays. Making an APA outline is the very first point to do in developing a structure on what is going to b e written in the paper and the way it's written. APA format can help you to organize your paper well. APA is a well-liked reference style employed in many sorts of academic writing. The APA advises that you use the author-date method. It's also essential to be aware that research involves getting the info from other print or people, irrespective of their understanding of the issues, and it isn't of any interest to research whether they are conversant with the issue or not. The scholar should concentrate on topics that are related to the prevailing economic scenarios. He should choose a subject they are familiar with while avoiding sensational and controversial subjects. Research Paper preparation means handling a whole lot of information. The APA is among the most influential associations of professional psychologists on the planet, including specialists from the USA and Canada, together with associate members from some other nations. Research papers are intended to evalu ate and assess the comprehension of students in some specific topics. Utilizing proposal examples is an excellent means to learn from somebody else's experience and make an outstanding powerful proposal. Take a look at examples of such works to comprehend how to write them and what style you ought to use for formatting them. When writing references, APA style advises that you give the author's last name and after that utilize initials for the rest of the names. It recommends that your title is no more than 12 words in length. The style employs an in-text citation also. The Basic Facts of Research Paper Examples Apa Writing doesn't need to be so difficult a task when you realize what you're doing. Conducting a research isn't any doubt an elaborate affair and with all these tasks to do, it's not uncommon to drop consistency if there's no outline. Be aware that the writing is detailed. Research paper writing is quite an intriguing job for students should they perform it with total dedication and motivation. Finding the Best Research Paper Examples Apa Nobody will argue that It's quite challenging to compose an academic paper if there's no structure for it. For a good comprehension of how to compose a top quality research paper, there's a need to have a very clear comprehension of how the papers are being written. If you believe that writing of a research paper is just about gathering relevant materials and copy-pasting then in a different document, you're mistaken. A research paper is quite a significant kind of academic writing. It is usually the first step for students to get funding for their project, so it is crucial to create a thoughtful and deep paper. It should be interesting to read from the beginning to the end. Key Pieces of Research Paper Examples Apa Professional writing teams supply a wide array of services to help ensure your work is as great as possible. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. You've got to read a good deal of articles and synthesize their content. If needed, you can supply the list of the principal keywords of your paper, it is going to help different people should they need to locate your work in internet databases but you ought to use only keywords that describe your research in a suitable way. If you have to shorten your title, pick the keyw ords. You can also see book outline. You can also see essay outline. You can also see biography outline. The text within the body can contain as much paragraph or sections as the writer requirements, but just on the status of supporting the idea by answering the questions regarding the topic. The outline should clearly depict many topics and subtopics through using headings and subheadings. Biology papers are extremely different from discursive liberal-arts essays which often have far more leeway in conditions of adjectives, hyperbole and other emotive language.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Photosynthesis Vocabulary Terms and Definitions
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and certain other organisms make glucose from carbon dioxide and water. In order to understand and remember how photosynthesis works, it helps to know the terminology. Use this list of photosynthesis terms and definitions for review or to make flashcards to help you learn important photosynthesis concepts. ADP - ADP stands for adenosine diphosphate, a product of the Calvin cycle that is used in the light-dependent reactions. ATP - ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. ATP is a major energy molecule in cells. ATP and NADPH are products of the light-dependent reactions in plants. ATP is used in reduction and regeneration of RuBP. autotrophs - Autotrophs are photosynthetic organisms which convert light energy into the chemical energy they need to develop, grow, and reproduce. Calvin cycle - The Calvin cycle is the name given to the set of chemical reactions of photosynthesis that does not necessarily require light. The Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. It involves the fixing of carbon dioxide into glucose using NADPH and ATP. carbon dioxide (CO2) - Carbon dioxide is a gas naturally found in the atmosphere that is a reactant for the Calvin Cycle. carbon fixation - ATP and NADPH are used to fix CO2 into carbohydrates. Carbon fixation takes place in the chloroplast stroma. chemical equation of photosynthesis - 6 CO2 6 H2O → C6H12O6 6 O2 chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is the primary pigment used in photosynthesis. Plants contain two main forms of chlorophyll: a b. Chlorophyll has a hydrocarbon tail that anchors it to an integral protein in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast. Chlorophyll is the source of the green color of plants and certain other autotrophs. chloroplast - A chloroplast is the organelle in a plant cell where photosynthesis occurs. G3P - G3P stands for glucose-3-phosphate. G3P is an isomer of PGA formed during the Calvin cycle glucose (C6H12O6) - Glucose is the sugar that is the product of photosynthesis. Glucose is formed from 2 PGALs. granum - A granum is a stack of thylakoids (plural: grana) light - Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation; the shorter the wavelength the greater amount of energy. Light supplies the energy for the light reactions of photosynthesis. light harvesting complexes (photosystems complexes) - A photosystem (PS) complex is a multi-protein unit in the thylakoid membrane that absorbed light to serve as energy for reactions light reactions (light dependent reactions) - The light dependent reactions are chemical reactions requiring electromagnetic energy (light) that occur in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast to convert light energy into chemical forms ATP and NAPDH. lumen - The lumen is the region within the thylakoid membrane where water is split to obtain oxygen. The oxygen diffuses out of the cell, while the protons remain inside to build positive electrical charge inside the thylakoid. mesophyll cell - A mesophyll cell is a type of plant cell located between the upper and lower epidermis that is the site for photosynthesis NADPH - NADPH is a high-energy electron carrier used in reduction oxidation - Oxidation refers to the loss of electrons oxygen (O2) - Oxygen is a gas that is a product of the light-dependent reactions palisade mesophyll - The palisade meophyill is the area of the mesophyll cell without many air spaces PGAL - PGAL is an isomer of PGA formed during the Calvin cycle. photosynthesis - Photosynthesis is the process by which organisms convert light energy into chemical energy (glucose). photosystem - A photosystem (PS) is a cluster of chlorophyll and other molecules in a thylakoid that harvest the energy of light for photosynthesis pigment - A pigment is a colored molecule. A pigment absorbs specific wavelengths of light. Chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light and reflects green light, so it appears green. reduction - Reduction refers to the gain of electrons. It often occurs in conjunction with oxidation. rubisco - Rubisco is an enzyme that bonds carbon dioxide with RuBP thylakoid - The thylakoid is a disc-shaped portion of chloroplast, found in stacks called grana.
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