Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Philosophy Of Sports And Physical Activity
The body is always seen as two parts working together, mind and body. We study these concepts as if they were separate, such as biology for the body and psychology for the mind. Taking two different courses, one for mind and body, cause me to develop a dualism philosophy. After taking Kinesiology 305 Historical and Philosophical base of Kinesiology, I started to understand the body shouldn’t be seen as two things, but as seeing both mind and body equally important and should be devoted the same amount of time as well. This ideal is known as Holism. Holism is taught through the following description: sound mind in a sound body, unity of mind, body and spirit, educational through the physical, and education of the physical. Holism allows use†¦show more content†¦The next description is educated through the physical. According to Jesse William, who created that phase suggest if people a whole being, teachers shouldn’t isolate any pure physical activity element, be cause if the body moves the whole body will move as well. Body action can be used as a tool to teach human’s habits and skills that will allow them to become a good citizen. People argue this is dualistic ideology because it you have to concentrate on the physical to get results in the mind. But this shows how the physical aspect can lead to an overall improvement in the mind/soul area. If a person wants to learn how to correctly greet someone, they must learn whether the culture rather accepts bowing, handshake, etc. This indicates the mind/knowledge determines their action which translates the type of person who you are. The final characteristic is education of the physical which implies that our physical nature affects our personalities, goals, and values. This is similar to the characteristic, since it implies that if a person is living a healthy physical and fun life, their mind is going to be healthy as well. Such as a student having physical education running around and playing will translate to good emotion towards the body. During the beginning of the semester, I had a dualist stance which involved treating the mind separate from the body. If the body physically hurt, I would expect the main cause of the pain be physical and notShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Movement939 Words  | 4 Pagesthem more about how Kinesiology. The concept of this major is so much more than just â€Å"sports†and exercise. From kinesiology being built on n the foundation of kinetics it gives us a chance to be able to move and use certain mechanics within the body to give us a chance to dance with our spouse, hug our loved ones and run with our kids. And when unfortunate evens happen were we can’t perform those simple activity of motion, kinesiology gives us the fundamentals on how to give those that can’t â€Å"move†Read MoreBenefits And Benefits Of Youth Sport Essay1393 Words  | 6 Pageslooked at as being a good activity that gets children involved and gets them out for their 60 minute s of play a day. Little do many people know, there are many benefits to youth sport than just a child’s daily exercise. Along with there being many positives and benefits to youth sport, there are also negatives that can come about. Many of the benefits include physical, psychological, intellectual, and social benefits. Some of the negatives that can occur from youth sport are the possibilities of lossRead More What it takes to become a coach Essay examples1100 Words  | 5 Pagesathletic team has little or no preparation to teach sports skills and techniques. The only qualifications is often the person’s participation on his or her high school, college, or university’s team, coach of a community youth team or even perhaps as a professional player. While all that experience is valuable in one way or another, it does not constitute an adequate preparation for coaching an interschool team as an integral part of the school’s physical education program Reg ardless of the experienceRead MoreEssay on My Personal Philosophy of Education1490 Words  | 6 Pages Philosophy of Education Relating my reasons for becoming a teacher was not a very difficult task for me; to accomplish this task I simply needed to reflect upon and describe some of my own personal experiences. I relied basically upon my memories and thoughts about my own educational experiences. However, describing my philosophy of education was much more difficult task for me to accomplish. First of all, before I could properly describe my philosophy, I realized I needed a workingRead MoreEssay on A Philosophy on Fitness1469 Words  | 6 PagesA Philosophy on Fitness Webster’s Dictionary defines physical as â€Å"concerned or preoccupied with the body and its’ needs†and defines activity as â€Å"the state or quality of producing or involving movement.†I agree with Mr. Webster’s definitions. I see physical activity as doing some kind of movement in order to assist in improving or maintaining a body’s level of health. By maintaining or improving that level of health, physical activity also plays a big role in a person’s â€Å"quality of life†Read MoreScheduling Classes, Athletic Events, and Extra Circular Activities1491 Words  | 6 PagesScheduling Classes, Athletic Events, and Extra Circular Activities We are all given 24 hours in a day and in an organized system each hour is given a category or name. An Athletic Director has many responsibilities in managing a department that has many activities occurring each day. These activities are physical education classes, practice schedules and locations, meeting special needs students, coordinating game schedules for each sport, and finding time to mentor those within the departmentRead MoreThe Value of Physical Education to the Ancient Greeks and Romans1574 Words  | 7 PagesThe Value of Physical Education to the Ancient Greeks and Romans Throughout history, society has placed a different value on physical education and sport. The purpose of physical education has changed over different time periods and as a result of ever-changing socio-cultural events. Some civilizations use the practice of physical education to prepare for war, some for profit, and some for a general all-around development. Three ancient cultures are of particular importance to development ofRead More1 Student 1 Sport Policy1750 Words  | 7 Pages1S) Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it and also skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be learnt. Most pupils have benefitted from participation in various sports, but most voluntarily participated in the sport activities of their choice. Sports serve as an excellent physical exercise. Those who play sports have a more positive body image than those who do not. Sports often involve physical activities like runningRead MoreSports And Athletic Development Of Young Athletes1685 Words  | 7 Pagesproviding physical, emotional and financial support for children from a young age (Wuerth, Lee, Alfermann, 2004). That role extends to sport and physical activity. Sport not only allows children to become physically active but it also helps children advance socially and mentally. The relationships that children make from sport are often some of their longest lasting friendships and the strategic a nd competitive aspects of sport push the mental capacity of young athletes. Since most sports are pickedRead MoreShould Sports Be Banned?1647 Words  | 7 PagesModern society places too much importance on winning in sports that we blatantly ignore the well being of our young athletes. This has lead many coaches to lose their perspective of what really matters in youth sport, having fun. Coaches have become engulfed in the idea of producing champions that they push kids too far beyond their physical and mental capabilities, eventually burning them out. If coaches are looking for results from their players, they should take the time to understand what
Monday, May 18, 2020
Immigration Is Not A Bad Thing Essay - 1237 Words
The United States is in financial trouble and some of this debt is due to the support of illegal immigrants entering the states and taking advantage of funds not allotted for them. To address this economic decline due to illegal immigration, this country needs to enforce the immigration laws and finish the closure of the border between Mexico and the United States. The increasing number of illegal immigrants entering into the United States has multiplied tremendously and this caused a negative impact on the economy of this country. The main reason the immigrants leave their country is gaining employment to make a better life for themselves and their families. First of all, immigration is not a bad thing. Immigration is the key to this country’s beginnings. When America was discovered, people migrated from all over Europe to find a new beginning in the â€Å"promised land.†I am sure that some of your ancestors were immigrants. Once the immigrants settled, there was need to form the laws which would protect the rights of people coming to the new world. One such law written was the Naturalization Act of 1790. This law, however, â€Å" prohibited citizenship and civil rights to immigrants of disfavored ethnicity†(Stein). The fourteenth amendment was also rewritten to change the scrutiny as to who could be considered for citizenship. Today, in order to apply to become a citizen, â€Å"immigrants must be 18 years of age and be the holder of a green cared for 5 years. If anShow MoreRelatedMoving Forward: Immigration Reform Essay895 Words  | 4 PagesWhen the United States was first being formed immigration was accepted and even encouraged. In the late 1880’s through the early 1900’s over 27 million people entered the United States with only two percent being turned down. However even with these staggering numbers immigrants were still faced with hostility and poor treatment. Why has immigration always been such a c ontroversial topic? Although immigration still occurs today, it is not accepted across the board. Issues with equality, safety andRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The Us Economy929 Words  | 4 Pagesdramatically in the past few years. This made me think about Immigration and the US economy on a same page in my mind. Many questions started populating in my head such as Does immigration in some way affect the US economy? If yes, how? After doing some research, I found that Immigration plays an important role in the US economy. I’ll start with my own background, how this question is connected to me and what other people think about immigration. Next, I’ll talk about my research findings and the unexpectedRead MoreImmigration : A Good Side And A Bad Side1237 Words  | 5 Pagesmillion people enter the United States each year, with an additional 500,000 entering the country illegally or without documentation. (Topic Overview: Immigration.) Everything has two sid es to it, a good side and a bad side. In this case immigration does have its downsides but most certaintly does it have its benefits too. Immigrations isn t a bad thing. The majority of illegal immigrants are hardworking people just searching for a better life. They perform the type of menial labor that others areRead MoreCritical Analytical Argument On Immigration1586 Words  | 7 PagesTriston Norris Ericka Galluppi HUM 115- Critical Analytical Argument Immigration 3/26/16 Immigration CAA Paper Background Uncontrollable, problematic, and overly populated are words that come to mind when immigration is mentioned. For many years’ immigration has become a huge problem throughout the world, in several places. Immigration is the migration of non-native citizens into a country with the hopes of settling there (â€Å"immigration†). People of different ethnicities settling into another countryRead MoreTrump s Views On Immigration1213 Words  | 5 PagesAbdulelah Altwfail Pro. Ramey WRT150 45 Trump’s views on immigration Donald Trump’s views on immigration have been a part of who he is since the beginning. When Trump announced his presidential bid in 2015, he focused mostly on the issue of immigration. While the media can easily exaggerate speeches from presidential candidates, it is clear that Trump means what he says. Donald Trump’s presidential bid is a clear example of how he views immigration. To clarify, why don’t we start a small introductionRead MoreThemes Of Immigration Issues937 Words  | 4 Pagesand they agree that something should be done to remedy that condition.†One of the social problems that intrest me is immigration issues as I deal with this in my own life. The empirical method analzyes any issues in a structured and unbiased way. The phenomenon in this case is immigration. Should we welcome more people or should we kick them out? What issues does immigration cause and or solve? Who should be denied entrance and who should be permitted? Who makes that choice? All these factorsRead MoreAccording To An Article In Usa Today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration1258 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to an article in USA today, â€Å"Illegal Immigration population declines†Thomas Frank writes, â€Å"The number of illegal immigrants in the USA fell for the first time in at least four years, as the nations tough economy discourages people from sneaking into the USA†. Illegal immigration has been on an all time rise for the last 4 to five years, as the nations economy struggles to stay out of a depression. I believe illegal immigration ha s a great effect on how the economy is doing. It cost theRead MoreShould Immigration Really Be One Of The Biggest Concerns Today?1300 Words  | 6 PagesAna Hernandez Mrs. Pawlak English 114A November 23, 2015 Immigration Should immigration really be one of the biggest concerns today? Throughout the history of the U.S. immigration has become a huge part in today’s society in which began centuries ago. It became a hot topic in the U.S. with its primary focus being illegal immigrants. â€Å"Illegal immigration†is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. According to http://wwwRead MoreImmigration Has Shaped America,But Now ItS Becoming Harder956 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration has shaped America,but now it s becoming harder and harder to enter this country. With the growing threat that immigration is bad and that illegal immigrants are stealing American jobs, many people believe the laws need to be even more strict. With Donald Trump recently elected that may become a reality. Trump has said â€Å"I will build a great wall†and also â€Å"anyone who is in the United States Illegally is subject to deportation†(Brandner). While it is important that Illegal immigrantsRead MoreImmigration Made America. Immigration Has Shaped America,But960 Words  | 4 PagesImmigration made America Immigration has shaped America,but now it s becoming harder and harder to enter this country. With the growing threat that immigration is bad and that illegal immigrants are stealing American jobs, many people believe the laws need to be even more strict. With Donald Trump recently elected that may become a reality. Trump has said â€Å"I will build a grat a wall†and also â€Å"anyone who is in the United States Illegally is subject to deportation†(Brandner). While it is important
Monday, May 11, 2020
Why Is It Assists Me Developing Better Organizational And...
Working on a research paper is something I admire, because it involves a process that can be useful in various ways, and is applicable to a variety of situations. What I like most about research papers is the fact that it assists me in developing better organizational and planning skills. Preparing research papers are always challenging, especially for someone who lacks experience and motivation. A research paper requires time and effort, most students that I have seen tend to give up during the end of their research paper. This shows the lack of confidence they have and the inexperience to push on. Conducting a research paper also requires patience; at times you will go through a period of frustration and anxiety. The first step to go about creating a research paper is to find and choose a topic. Finding a topic that would interest and challenge you at the same time is essential. Your attitude to the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your rese arch. Before proceeding with the paper, I would recommend each student to obtain permission from a teacher for the topic they chose. Some topics might be to offensive and hurtful, therefore it is preferable to have the consent of a teacher first. Proceeding without the permission of the teacher will only bring doubt and uncertainty to your paper. The next step is one that most people find challenging, and this is to browse the internet and look for information that goes with the topic.Show MoreRelatedEmployee Training and Career Development Paper1300 Words  | 6 Pagesorder to reach the organizations needs and achieve the set goals. As times change, employees may stay behind in skills or may even lack training when it comes to new systems, technology or other procedures that the company may need in order to better performance. That is when the importance of training is more evident. 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For the class I am attributing these skills to are as followed personal and professional experiences. †¢ Outreach with multiple churches that contributed clothing, blood drive, and foodRead MoreMy Personal Mission For A Masters Of Science Degree1441 Words  | 6 Pagesorganizations and developing employees. I have gained experience and knowledge that I want to continue to share with others to help in developing themselves personally and professionally to reach their goals while meeting the bottom-line of the organization. To effectively manage the workforce of today and the future, leaders will need to build and maintain trust within their teams. In addition, my mission includes a dedication to networking and learning. This will enable me to build relationshipsRead MoreCritical Factors For Managing And Developing People Based On My Own Experiences Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pagescritical factors for managing and developing people based on my own experiences in reality. I am going to use David Kolb’s learning cycle, which are concrete experience, reflective observati on, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation(Kolb, 1984). To begin with, several relevant experiences will be described. In the middle, to identify the theories, concepts and models applied on my experiences and analyze what those can provide me with insight such as bringing me more about the different formsRead MorePersonal Marketing Plan Essay1552 Words  | 7 PagesOBJECTIVES Combining business school education, professional/personal development training, self education along with life experiences directed me toward beginning a career as an entrepreneur. Many years have been spent taking classes and exploring various business opportunities. I started my college career as a business major. During that time, I also studied various art mediums to explore creative talents. In my junior year, I decided to combine those strengths and interests
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Disparity in Prisons Essay examples - 1456 Words
A Look at Racial Disparity in the United States Prison System Micah O’Daniel Institutional Corrections 2/22/11 Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system has a strong effect of many realms of society such as the family life, and employment. Education and race seem to be the most decisive factors when deciding who goes to jail and what age cohort has the greatest percentage chance of incarceration. Going to prison no longer affects just the individual who committed the crime. Instead, the family and community left behind gain a new burden by one individuals actions. The United States still has a large disparity between Whites and Blacks and now a growing Hispanic population. This racial disparity in the educational†¦show more content†¦This obvious job discrimination shows that there are significant negative effects on blacks even after their prison sentence has been served. With less opportunity than whites to enter back into the workforce after incarceration, blacks end up having a higher rate of return to prison (USDOJ, 2008). There is also a large disparity between races when it comes to sentencing convicts to Death Row. Looking just at the federal death penalty data released by the Department of Justice between 1995 and 2000, 682 defendants were charged with death-eligible crimes. Out of those 682 defendants, the defendant was black 48% of the cases, Hispanic in 29% of the cases, and white in only 20% of the cases (Coker, 2003). The United States features a prison population that is more than quadruple the highest prison population in Western Europe (Pettit, 2004). In the 1980s, U.S. legislation issued a number of new drug laws with stiffer penalties that ranged from drug possession to drug trafficking. Many of those charged with drug crimes saw longer prison sentences and less judicial leniency when facing trial. The War on Drugs has furthered the boom in prison population even though violent crime has continued to decrease steadily. Many urban areas in the U.S. have a majority black population. With crime tendencies high in these areas, dru gs are also prevalent. This means that a greater percentage of those in prison are going to be black because lawShow MoreRelatedRacial Disparities Of Mass Incarceration1572 Words  | 7 PagesRacial disparities in mass incarceration Introduction Mass Incarceration in the United States has been a large topic of choice because rapid growth in the prison and jail populations, the long sentences the inmates face, and the inability for some inmates to incorporate themselves back into society. Since the 1970’s the U.S. prison population quadrupled from 158 to 635 people per 100,000, causing the U.S. to gain the title of country with the highest incarceration rate. (Massoglia, Firebaugh, Read MoreWhy The Incarceration Rate So High For Young Black Males?1428 Words  | 6 Pageslargest justice system in the world. America also has the highest incarceration rate with over 2 million people in prison. African Americans account for approximately 40 percent of those inmates. Why is the incarceration rate so high for young black males? By examining the data and demographics, and the causes and consequences a greater understanding will be gained as to why these disparities exist. As of December 2013, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the number of incarcerated malesRead MoreRacial Disparity in Sentencing1728 Words  | 7 PagesRacial Disparity in Sentencing Lori Raynor University of Phoenix Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice CJA/423 Ron McGee September 06, 2010 Abstract In this paper I will illustrate racial disparity in sentencing in the criminal justice system. The causes of racial disparity and the reasons it is on the rise, the research statistics, and the proposed solutions are discussed. Racial Disparity in Sentencing The intersection of racial dynamics with the criminal justice systemRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Has Served As A Focal Point Of Much Of Societal Racism993 Words  | 4 Pagesas prosecutorial bias in jury selection (James F. Nelson, Disparities in Processing Felony Arrests in New York State). Despite these constructive changes, racial inequalities seem to have decline over time. The alternative approach is to examine the factors that enable white, or middle class, offenders to be sentenced to non-prison terms more frequently and to replicate those conditions for low income people (James F. Nelson, Disparities in Processing Felony Arrests in New York State). For exampleRead More Disparity and Discrimination Essay example836 Words  | 4 PagesDisparity and Discrimination According to Webster’s Dictionary, the proper definition for discrimination is: 1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently 2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing 3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment (Webster’s dictionary). Discrimination has been aroundRead MoreThe Sentencing Of African Americans1626 Words  | 7 Pageswhite defendants and are 20 percent more likely to be sentenced to prison.†Hispanics and African Americans make up 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population. (Henderson 2000). Slightly 15% of the inmate population is made up of 283,000 Hispanic prisoners. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, every third black male gets sent to prison at least once in his life. Males of color have a disproportionateRead MoreRacial Impact Statements : Considering The Consequences Of Racial Disproportionalities On The Criminal Justice System964 Words  | 4 Pagestitled, Racial Impact Statements: Considering the Consequences of Racial Disproportionalities in the Criminal Justice System, the article addresses how the American Criminal justice system has been suffering from the dramatic increase in mass incarceration and the uneven rates of racial disproportionalities and disparities. These disproportionate impacts with minorities within the criminal justice system are all impacted from neutral laws, policies and practices. Statements made with racial impactRead MoreBlack Americans Receive A Stricter Punishment Than White Americans Essay1446 Words  | 6 Pagesas thugs and common criminals; these negative stereotypes demoralize men of c olor and allow society to believe and internalize this destructive thinking. The racial disparities that exist in the criminal justice system are an indirect consequence of the portrayals of African American men that circulate in society. Because of racial disparities that occur in the United States it consequently threatens communities of color by â€Å"disenfranchising thousands by limiting voting rights and denying equal accessRead MoreThe Failure of the War on Drugs Essay1529 Words  | 7 Pagesthe crime rate. However, studies show that drug deterrent policies on possession and use have been inadequate and unsuccessful (Cole Gertz, 2013). Studies also show that the War on Drugs has not attained its objectives because the policy exhibits racial discrepancy as it has led to the disproportionate incarceration of Blacks and minorities. Specifically, evidence indicates that the upper class, generally White individuals, is more likely to use powered cocaine while the lower class, generally BlacksRead MoreShould We Be Mandatory Sentence Reduction?870 Words  | 4 Pagescourthouse doors to claims of racial bias at all stages of the criminal justice process from the levels of justice ranging from stops and searches to plea bargaining and sentencing. One case, in particular, stands out as drawing the line on expectations of the court to actively address racial bias in sentencing and conviction. This was in McCleskey v. Kemp and United States v. Armstrong, when the Supreme Court made ruled that it could only act or rule on matters of racial bias win the presence of â€Å"only
Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience Free Essays
INNOCENCE v EXPERIENCE 109 UWA 2012 William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience was combined in 1794. Having compiled Songs of Innocence in 1789, Blake intended that he was writing happy rhymes that all children may enjoy (Norton Anthology pg 118 footnote 1). Not all the poems reflect a happy stance, many incorporate injustice, evil and suffering. We will write a custom essay sample on Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now Blake represents these aspects of the world through the eyes of ‘innocence’. In contrary Blake’s Songs of Experience were written as ugly and terrifying versions of the same world. These poems were used to reflect a ghastly representation of the world as one of poverty, disease and war. The Songs of Innocence were penned around the end of the American Revolution and the start of the French Revolution, although Blake would have worked on them for years prior. The Songs of Experience were etched during the middle and toward the end of the revolution and reflect how the poet’s view of the world had been affected and changed by the horrific events. Blake’s work is a compilation of a number of ‘songs’. Although each can stand as an independent poem many from Songs of Innocence have a pair in Songs of Experience such as â€Å"Infant Joy†– â€Å"Infant Sorrow†, â€Å"The Lamb†– â€Å"The Tyger†and â€Å"The Ecchoing Green†– â€Å"The Earth’s Answer. †Taking â€Å"Infant Joy,†from Songs of Innocence, it is told from the perspective of a baby â€Å"but two days old. †The baby is perceived as happy and joyous through lines such as â€Å"joy is my name/Sweet joy befall thee! †and plays on the common ideology that infants are happy and loveable. Yet, its counterpart â€Å"Infant Sorrow,†from Songs of Experience, still told from the perspective of the new born, presents the harsh reality of child birth: â€Å"My mother groand! My father wept. /Into the dangerous world I leapt. †The organisation of the work in this way presents two contrasting views of the world from the same perspective. I believe that the main problem that motivates Blake appears to be the comparison between childhood innocence and what we really experience in the world. The modern idea of wearing ‘rose tinted glasses’ springs to mind, in the sense that as a child we view the world as this magnificent, beautiful nd happy place but as we grow and learn more about ourselves and the world our experiences begin to taint that ‘innocent’ view and the world becomes ugly, harsh and cruel. The primary focus of Blake’s work is to create contrast between the fanciful, innocent view of the unjust, evil and suffering world and the harsh reality that suffering, war, poverty and disease really bring. These songs would have been read to children and it can be presumed that it was Blake’s attempt to teach them something about the world in which they were living through engaging their imaginations with his use of poetry. How to cite Response to William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience, Essay examples
The Crucible Character Analysis free essay sample
The Ultimate Schemer One of the main characters of the play The Crucible, Abigail Williams, is the most spiteful and least complex character throughout the entire play. She is the villain of the play, even more than Parris or Danforth. She is on the lower end of the social hierarchy; the only people below her were slaves like Tituba. Abigail Williams possess wicked character traits that give her a negative perception. She is a jezebel figure who lacks feelings, an immoral character who lacks ethics and a manipulative person who lacks a conscience. Abigail’s counterpart is a jezebel figure. A jezebel figure is commonly associated with a woman who is regarded as evil and scheming. Abigail’s evil can be seen through her interactions with the other women of the play. For example, she threatens Betty and Mary Warren by saying, â€Å"Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and i will a pointy reckoning that will shudder you†(The Crucible, Act 1). We will write a custom essay sample on The Crucible Character Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition she is scheming because she crafts a plot that send 19 innocent people to their deaths. Her evil and scheming ways undermines the future of the other characters and is only for her selfish gain. Abigail posses an immoral persona and many of her actions are unethical. She wants one thing and one thing only, John Proctor, a married man. She participates in infidelity and constructs a web of lies. She knows that it is a sin to have sex with a married man but continues to proclaim her love for him, â€Å"I will not, i cannot! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is you love me yet! †(The Crucible, Act 1). In connection with the infidelity she lies on Elizabeth, Proctor’s wife, and says her spirit stabbed her when in reality she stabbed herself. Similar to her lack of emotions it proves how immoral, unethical, and selfish she really is. Abigail shows a lack of remorse and a conscience because instead of confessing she continues to lie. Moreover she convinces the other girls to lie along with her. She uses her cunning speech and threats to influence the others. For example in the woods she says, â€Å"I want to open myself I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil! †(The Crucible, Act 2). She said this to leave an impression on the others. The others follow her because they are intimidated by her. Abigail never shows any remorse about negatively influencing the others. Abigail’s callous nature stems partially from past trauma; she is an orphan who watched her parents get murdered by Indians. This is still no excuse for her iniquitous actions. Unethical, immoral, and manipulative are perfect adjectives to describe Abigail’s character and in the end she gains nothing. She does not have John Proctor because he is executed and 19 innocent people have died. There are other characters in the play that can be considered villains but she is by far the most evil. She is the ultimate schemer.
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